Search Results for: victoria

Australian Solar Hot Water Diverter Company Scores Grant

AWS SunMate
The Victorian Government recently announced a $100,000 grant for a local producer of hot water diverter devices to assist it in increasing production.

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Turnbull Twisting Arms Over Natural Gas Is A Zero Sum Game

malcolm turnbull having a gas

Don’t believe the hype. Domestic gas prices have very little effect on retail electricity prices. Someone should tell Turnbull.

According to the mainstream media, Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull has been busy twisting the arms of natural gas producers. He wants Australians to pay less for Australian gas. Specifically he wants us to pay less than overseas customers pay for Australian gas.

This has upset gas producers because, like most companies, they would prefer to sell stuff for more money rather than less. [Read more…]

Approval Granted For 60MW Mareeba Solar Farm

Queensland’s Mareeba Shire Council has approved plans for Mareeba Solar Farm, a facility that will boast 196,000 solar panels.

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Solar Savings Bonanza From August Small Scale PV Installations

Electricity bill savings from solar panels

Solar panel image: B137,CC BY-SA 4.0

The latest Renewable Energy Index from Green Markets indicates rooftop solar panels (small scale systems) installed across Australia last month will deliver $180 million in electricity bill savings over 10 years.

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Why It Makes Sense To Fill Your Roof With Solar

roof full of solar

Q. How much solar should you install on your roof?

A. As much as you reasonably can.

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22,000 Potential Pumped Hydro Storage Sites Identified Across Australia

pumped hydro storage potential in Australia

Potential pumped hydro sites | Image: Australian National University

Researchers at ANU say 22,000+ potential pumped hydro sites they have identified across Australia represent storage capacity of 67,000 gigawatt-hours (GWh), far more than the nation requires to support a reliable 100% renewable energy based electricity system.

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Conserving Hot Water Gives A Better Return Than Any Diverter, Relay, Or Heat Pump Hot Water System

shower of money

In all the excitement that is solar hot water, simple efficiency often gets forgotten.

I’ve been writing a lot about hot water lately and how to use the energy of the sun to get it.  In fact, I’ve been concentrating on it so much I’ve neglected my other duties and gotten into hot water as a result.  Mind you, this may have all been part of my cunning plan, as I do enjoy a hot spa.  And if it is heated by people’s hot tears of rage and frustration over my failure to do as I have promised, well that’s just me being energy efficient.

Because that’s the kind of guy I am — efficient. [Read more…]

Is The Most Efficient Hot Water System A Solar PV Powered Heat Pump?

pv powered heat pump hot water

Heat Pump Hot Water. Power it with Solar PV and its efficiency cannot be beaten by solar thermal. Bloody expensive though.

If you are looking for the most efficient solar hot water system then solar PV panels powering a heat pump are hard to beat.

While both the panels and heat pump will need to be proficient performers, it is possible for the combination to beat solar thermal hot water which is widely considered the most efficient method. [Read more…]

More Steps Towards 100% Renewables In Yackandandah

Yackandandah solar panels

Solar panels arrive at Yackandandah | Image: TRY

Excitement is building in the small town of Yackandandah in northeast Victoria as it moves towards a fossil fuel-free energy future.

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Australian Solar System Interest Index – September 2017

Australian Solar System Interest Index - September 2017

August saw a significant increase in the proportion of Australians wanting to install battery-ready PV systems according to the latest SolarQuotes Australian Solar System Interest Index (auSSII) report.

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