Search Results for: nsw

National Energy Guarantee Implementation “Years Away”, If Ever

COAG Energy Council

Image: seagul

The Federal Government may have been granted a go-ahead on Friday by the states to further develop the NEG, but it’s by no means a free pass. [Read more…]

Shonky Door-To-Door Solar Salespeople Preying On Vulnerable Australians

Unsolicited door-to-door solar power system sales

Image: Consumer Action Law Centre

One of the three “consumer harm hotzones” identified in the Consumer Action Law Centre’s latest report is unfortunately the retail solar power industry. [Read more…]

Construction Starts On Lismore’s Floating Solar Farm

Lismore City Council floating solar farm

A 99kW floating solar array at the East Lismore Sewage Treatment Plant in New South Wales will provide 12% of the facility’s energy requirements. [Read more…]

Australian Directors Consider Renewables A Top Infrastructure Priority

Australian company directors - renewable energy

The Australian Institute of Company Directors’ (AICD) bi-annual Director Sentiment Index shows directors are concerned about energy prices and policy, but are bullish on renewables. [Read more…]

Goulburn’s Community Solar Farm Project Progressing

Community solar project - Goulburn

Site of Goulburn’s community-owned solar farm | Image: CE4G

A proposed community majority-owned solar farm in Goulburn, New South Wales is expected to be built next year. [Read more…]

Tweed Shire Council Aims For 50% Solar Power

Solar energy in Tweed Shire

Solar panel image : markusspiske

New South Wales’ Tweed Shire Council has voted to source 25 per cent of its electricity from self-generated solar power by 2022 and potentially half its needs from solar and batteries by 2025. [Read more…]

A Fair Solar Feed-In Tariff For Australia Is Around 22 Cents


Solar Feed-In Tariffs Should Be Higher Than They Are — But Not As High As Some Believe

In my not at all humble opinion, Australian solar feed-in tariffs are too damn low!  People aren’t receiving a fair deal for the clean solar energy they export to the grid.  This is bad for our nation and the world because with a fairer price we would see more rooftop solar installed which would reduce the damage to our health and our environment from burning fossil fuels.

But before I am voted leader of the revolution for higher feed-in tariffs and march my armies on Canberra — or maybe somewhere that’s actually nice to go — I should point out that, unlike some people, I don’t think solar feed-in tariffs should equal the retail cost of electricity.  While feed-in tariffs  should be higher than they are now, a “fair” price is likely to still be less than what most of us are are normally charged for grid electricity.

As a result, this article will probably end up a successful attempt at making the maximum number of people possible disagree with me. [Read more…]

Australian Solar Power System Fault Survey

PV Module and System Fault Reporting

Australian solar power system owners who’ve experienced a faulty, poorly installed or underperforming system have been invited to participate in a new national survey.

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Zen Energy Launches South Australian Gigawatt Program

Zen Energy Gigawatt Program

Image: Zen Energy

Large-scale solar PV, a major battery system, pumped hydro storage and demand response projects were approved by Zen Energy’s Board yesterday morning.

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Call For An SA Government-Owned Electricity Retailer

PowerAccess Electricity Retailer

A new report calls for South Australian government owned, public interest electricity retailer that could also help put low-income households on the path to acquiring solar panels.

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