Search Results for: council

Victorian Climate Change Innovation Grant Recipients Announced

The Victorian Government yesterday announced projects sharing in $4.3 million in Climate Change Innovation grants, among which were a few relating to solar energy. [Read more…]

CEC Calls For Statewide Microgrid Rollout For Western Australia

Solar energy and microgrids in Western Australia

Image credit: Western Power

It’s time to get cracking on microgrids in fringe-of-grid locations across Western Australia says the Clean Energy Council. [Read more…]

CEC To Solar Installers : Check The Approved Products List

Approved Products List - CEC

Solar panel image Stocksnap

Many solar panel and some inverter models have been removed from the Clean Energy Council Approved Products Lists this year – and the CEC has again warned installers not to get caught out. [Read more…]

Adelaide’s CBD Could Host More Than Half A Million Solar Panels

Centrepoint Building with solar

Image: Spatial Analysis of Solar Potential in Adelaide

Analysis released yesterday by the Australian PV Institute indicates Adelaide’s CBD could support 129MW of solar panels on the rooftops of its buildings. [Read more…]

Regulator Issues Agent Warning On Non-Existent Solar Installations

STC compliance - solar panels

Australia’s Clean Energy Regulator has alerted registered agents of a scam involving the creation of small-scale technology certificates (STCs) for solar power systems that don’t exist. [Read more…]

Australian Renewable Energy Investment Up 147 Per Cent

Solar investment in Australia

Image: Global Trends in Renewable Energy Investment 2018

Renewable energy investment in Australia jumped 147% last year to a record USD $8.5 billion (around AUD $11 billion at current exchange rates) – and solar power accounted for more than half that figure. [Read more…]

Renewed Push For Coal Power In Australia – “Monash Manifesto” Unveiled

Hazelwood 2.0?

Hazelwood Power Station – Image: Simpsons fan 66

A bunch of Liberal/National party MPs have reportedly gotten together to form a little club called the Monash Forum, a major aim of which is to push for more coal-fired power generation in Australia. [Read more…]

JFY Solar Inverter Delisting Appeal Denied

JFY solar inverter delisting appeal

A Clean Energy Council decision to delist a solar inverter model manufactured by Shenzhen JingFuYuan Tech (JFY) has been upheld after an appeal from the company was unsuccessful. The situation has also flagged what may be broader issue. [Read more…]

10,000 March In Sydney To Demand A Clean Energy Future

Time2Choose rally, Sydney, New South Wales

Thousands marched on NSW Parliament and through the streets of Sydney on Saturday to put all politicians on notice that it’s time to choose clean energy over coal. [Read more…]

Queensland’s Solar For Public Housing Trial Update

The Queensland Government has announced close to 500 households in the state are now benefiting from its solar energy for public housing rollout. [Read more…]

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