A few years ago, SolarQuotes founder Finn wrote about the top 7 mistakes made when buying solar.
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Solar Panels To Help Power Tasmanian Irrigation Pumping
A Tasmanian Irrigation initiative will see the first use of solar energy to help power some of the pumps associated with the company’s schemes.
[Continue reading…]September 2022 Australian Solar Systems Interest Index
What’s the proportion of Australians considering buying a solar power system with cash vs. finance? Discover this and a whole lot more in the latest auSSII report.
[Continue reading…]Victoria University Switching On More Solar Power
A bunch of solar panels are being installed on rooftops at Victoria University’s Footscray Park, Werribee and St Albans campuses.
[Continue reading…]50 Years Of Carbon Capture And Storage (CCS)
You’d think after 50 years of doing something, you’d be pretty good at it. But when it comes to carbon capture and storage, the results are generally abysmal.
[Continue reading…]Wholesale Electricity Price Crises Continue — More Hefty Hikes Likely
Australia’s wholesale electricity price crisis is in its fifth month. This ongoing disaster began in April and really took off in May, June, and July. It continued through August, but the crisis wasn’t as crisisy as the previous three months.
[Continue reading…]Haystacks Solar Garden Offer Launch Is Go
After 5 years in the pipeline, the first large-scale solar garden project in Australia is finally ready to launch its offer.
[Continue reading…]Singleton Council Celebrates Solar Pledge Fulfilment
New South Wales’ Singleton Council seems pretty pleased with progress on its Cities Power Partnership pledges.
[Continue reading…]NSW Street-Side Power Pole EV Charging Trial Announced
50 sites across nine local government areas in NSW are to have EV chargers mounted on power poles to service electric car owners who don’t have off-street parking.
[Continue reading…]Townsville Residents Back More Renewables
Polling of hundreds of Townsville residents shows a healthy appetite for making the region a centre for renewables-powered industry and manufacturing.
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