Search Results for: victoria

Dan Andrews Doesn’t Understand How Victoria’s ‘Solar Homes’ Program Works

Victoria Premier Dan Andrews - Solar Homes

Dan Andrews, the Premier of Victoria, has been a busy man.  For four long months, Melbourne was locked in a desperate, life or death struggle with the coronavirus and only recently emerged victorious.  It’s well past time he stopped to pat himself on the back and take a well-earned rest, as he has clearly been doing everything by himself.  This was made apparent by a tweet he sent out yesterday showing he doesn’t understand how his own state’s Solar Homes Program works. [Read more…]

Another Hit On The Horizon For Victorian Solar Feed-In Tariffs

Feed-in tariffs - Victoria

Proposed new minimum feed in tariff rates in Victoria will make maximising solar energy self-consumption even more attractive. [Read more…]

Victorian Solar Homes Program Expansion Announced

Victoria Solar Homes program

More solar panel and battery rebates will be available in Victoria over the next few years – and small businesses will soon also be able to take advantage of the state’s PV subsidy. [Read more…]

Solar Victoria Extends System Installation Deadlines

solar installations in Melbourne

Image: Solar Victoria

With solar panel installations underway again in Melbourne, installers have been given some leeway under Victoria’s Solar Homes program in terms of deadlines. [Read more…]

Victorian Community Groups Get Cash For Solar Projects

Community solar project funding in Victoria

More than $1 million in grants have been announced as part of Round five of the Victorian Government’s New Energy Jobs Fund that will support hundreds of kilowatts of new PV and hundreds of kilowatt-hours of battery storage capacity. [Read more…]

Victoria’s “Off-Grid” Transition Village Gets Solar Grant

Transition Village Wallan - solar power

An ambitious project just outside of Melbourne addressing homelessness will use solar panels to power a small village of tiny homes. [Read more…]

Solar Victoria Runs Misleading Ads They Wouldn’t Accept From Installers

Solar Victoria hypocritical on advertising

If there is one thing I hate, it’s dodgy solar installers who mislead the public with deceptive advertising and fake deals.  It harms customers who are just looking for decent quality solar and it hurts honest installers by damaging the reputation of the entire industry.  It really gets my goat, and I am extremely protective of my goat. 

But when a state government engages in misleading ads it’s fine and I don’t mind at all.  [Read more…]

Victoria’s Solar Rebates For Landlords Are Good News For Tenants Too

Solar Rebate For Rental Properties in Victoria

Free money & zero-interest loans to put solar panels on Victorian rental property roofs

I have good news for landlords and renters in Victoria.  The state government is handing out free money to landlords:  a $1,850 rebate on solar panels for rental properties that meet the requirements. 

In addition, $1,850 can be borrowed as a zero-interest loan, paid off over four years at $38.54 per month. If the renter wishes, half of those repayment payments can be made by them. [Read more…]

Victorian Government Wants Solar Panels On More Rental Homes

Solar power for renters in Victoria

An expansion of Victoria’s Solar Homes program is providing landlords with an interest-free loan in addition to the state’s generous solar subsidy. [Read more…]

Solar Victoria: Door-Knockers Should Stop Immediately

Door to door solar sales in Victoria

While solar power sales and installations are continuing in Melbourne and the Mitchell Shire, Solar Victoria is taking a particularly dim view of door-to-door sales activity in the state – for pretty obvious reasons. [Read more…]

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