Search Results for: victoria

Australian Small Scale Solar Installation Statistics For November 2017

November was a busy month in Australia for <100kW capacity solar power installations according to the Clean Energy Regulator, and concurrent battery installations picked up again. [Read more…]

Should you scrap your 1.5kW solar and replace it with a bigger system?

solar rag and bone man

Should you bite the bullet and scrap your 1.5kW solar system so you can fit a bigger system on your roof?

Five to eight years ago, just as the Australian solar industry was getting underway, many people locked in high feed in tariffs for their new, cutting-edge solar power systems.  For example, many people in Victoria with systems installed before 2012 are now getting 71.3 cents per kilowatt-hour of solar electricity exported into the grid.  And they will continue to receive this for almost 7 more years. [Read more…]

Clean Energy Regulator Claims Another STC Scalp

Solar panels - Small-scale Technology Certificates

Australia’s Clean Energy Regulator has announced enforcement action concerning another company it states improperly created small-scale technology certificates (STCs) associated with solar power installations. [Read more…]

Bendigo Needs More Solar Power

Solar panels - Bendigo, Victoria

Image : ulleo

A recently released report states a “business-as-usual” approach by the City of Greater Bendigo in Victoria won’t be enough to achieve Council’s emissions targets. [Read more…]

MoU Seeks To Accelerate Electric Vehicle Adoption In Australia

Electric vehicle uptake in Australia

Image: Blomst

A meeting in Adelaide on Friday saw the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) by seven Australian states, territories and cities with a goal of accelerating the nation’s transition to electric vehicles. [Read more…]

Want $0 Electricity Bills? On-Grid Solar Beats Batteries.

zero dollar bills?

Want Free Future Electricity Without Blowing The Bank?  Get On-Grid Solar Without Batteries.

When it comes to buying rooftop solar and batteries, people have a wide range of motivations.  Some want to save money, most are environmentally concerned, there are tech-heads interested in the technology, while others just want to be trendy.  Then there are confused people who ordered a battery thinking they were buying artillery or possibly a chicken.

But one motivation that pervades our society is love.  Love for free stuff.  In this case, free electricity.  Most people I know would love to have $0 electricity bills or better yet, be paid for providing clean solar electricity to the grid.

If $0 bills are what you want, it’s okay to admit it.  You’re among friends here. [Read more…]

Big Solar And Agriculture Collide In Shepparton

The interest in large-scale solar development in Victoria’s Shepparton region is such that Greater Shepparton City Council wants to refer applications to the State Government. [Read more…]

Solar To Shine In The NT – Roadmap To Renewables Report Released

Northern Territory renewable energy target
Along with the release of NT’s Roadmap To Renewables report yesterday, the Northern Territory’s government has also announced new grants for households to install solar panels. [Read more…]

National Energy Guarantee Implementation “Years Away”, If Ever

COAG Energy Council

Image: seagul

The Federal Government may have been granted a go-ahead on Friday by the states to further develop the NEG, but it’s by no means a free pass. [Read more…]

Big Electricity Bill Discounts May Not Add Up

Everyone loves a discount on electricity – but how solid are some of these special deals offered by Australian energy retailers? [Read more…]

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