Search Results for: victoria

Powershop Removes Mystery About Reposit GridCredits

Powershop reveals Reposit GridCredit payments

Powershop Reveals Dollar Value Of Reposit Payments For Exporting Battery Power To Grid During ‘Critical Peaks’

Reposit is a smart controller that helps households make more effective use of battery systems.  One advantage Reposit provides is during certain — very limited — periods of time, you can be paid $1 for each kilowatt-hour of electricity your battery exports to the grid.  Reposit calls these payments GridCredits. [Read more…]

National Energy Guarantee (NEG) – Where’s It At?

National Energy Guarantee

While perhaps not as exciting as the latest solar panel or battery technology, the evolution of the National Energy Guarantee is something worth keeping tabs on. [Read more…]

March Australian Rooftop Solar Installations Break Record

Solar installations in Australia during March

Image: Stocksnap

March rooftop solar power system installs in Australia represented the highest monthly capacity total ever – 127 megawatts – enough to power the equivalent of 36,710 homes says Green Energy Markets. [Read more…]

Progress On Tasmania’s First Large Scale Solar Farm Projects

Development applications for two proposed solar farms in Tasmania representing up to 17.5MW capacity combined have completed their public exhibition period. [Read more…]

Renewed Push For Coal Power In Australia – “Monash Manifesto” Unveiled

Hazelwood 2.0?

Hazelwood Power Station – Image: Simpsons fan 66

A bunch of Liberal/National party MPs have reportedly gotten together to form a little club called the Monash Forum, a major aim of which is to push for more coal-fired power generation in Australia. [Read more…]

Deakin University Solar Powered Microgrid Project Moving Along

Deakin University microgrid project

Image: Deakin University

Deakin University has called for contractors and suppliers to register their interest in working on the construction of its microgrid project. [Read more…]

Craig Kelly Is Wrong: Electric Cars Are Better For The Environment Than Petrol Ones

Craig Kelly on electric cars

Craig Kelly Is Either Illiterate, Incompetent, or Machiavellian.  But I’m pretty sure it’s the middle one.

Toyota Prius Beats Nissan Leaf And Tesla S On CO2 Emissions In Australia

It has become clear to me there is some confusion over whether electric cars offer an environmental benefit in this country.  Craig Kelly, who is an extremely honorable Member of Parliament, has told the nation they result in more greenhouse emissions than conventional petrol cars.

If you are standing up while reading this you may want to sit down due to your shock when I tell you Craig Kelly is actually wrong on this. [Read more…]

Wind And Solar Powered Saildrones On CCS Mission In Australia

Saildrone - wind and solar power

A fleet of unmanned ocean vehicles were unveiled in Hobart on Friday in the lead-up to a couple of the craft undertaking their maiden voyage on Australian waters. [Read more…]

IPART Signals Benchmark NSW Solar Feed In Tariff Reduction, But…

The Independent Pricing and Regulatory Tribunal has indicated it’s considering reducing benchmark solar feed in tariff rates in New South Wales from July – but bear in mind, the rates it sets are just a guide. [Read more…]

What Does The Liberal Win Mean For Clean Energy in SA?

marshall and weatherill - renewable energy in SA

Labor’s Jay Weatherill is out. The Liberal’s Steven Marshall is in. What does this mean for the future of renewable energy in South Australia?

The South Australian Liberals have won the election.  The results seemed clear on Saturday night and are looking very definite now on Monday morning.  They have a small but clear majority allowing them to govern in their own right.  Now that the power is theirs, will solar and wind continue to expand in South Australia or will Premier Marshall peel off his face to reveal he is Mecha-Abbott underneath and set about destroying the renewable energy industry in South Australia? [Read more…]

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