Search Results for: victoria

Yarranlea Solar Farm Construction Commences

Yarranlea Solar Farm

Construction activity started on the weekend at the site of what will be the 121- megawatt Yarranlea Solar Farm, west of Toowoomba in Queensland. [Read more…]

Power Of Choice Meter Reforms Result In Powerful Conflicts Of Interest

electricity meter

A new scheme called “The Power Of Choice” has moved responsibility for meters to the retailers.

On the first of December 2017 responsibility for electricity meters in the National Energy Market or NEM changed hands1.  The NEM is a National Electricity Market that apparently thinks Western Australia and the Northern Territory are other countries because they’re not included.

The job of installing and maintaining electricity meters was taken from Distributed Network Service Providers or DNSPs and given to Electricity Retailers.  In other words, it was taken from the people who distribute electricity from long distance transmission lines to homes and businesses and given to the people who bill you for electricity. [Read more…]

Crackdown On Dodgy Electricity Bill Discounts

Energy retailers will soon be prohibited from offering pseudo-discounts and a new investigation will determine whether Australian energy consumers are being gouged by networks in relation to corporate tax liabilities. [Read more…]

Am I Breaking The Law If My Electricity Meter Runs Backwards?

Solar Panels And Electricity Meters Running Backwards

Are you allowed to use newly installed solar to run your meter backwards?

If you have a very old electricity meter, a new rooftop solar installation can make that meter run backwards. But only if the solar power system is switched on before a new compatible meter is installed. [Read more…]

Port Augusta Blows Off Steam Over Northern Power Station

Northern Power Station

Coal power may be gone from Port Augusta, but it’s certainly not forgotten. Some of that doesn’t involve misty-eyed memories and hasn’t been by choice. [Read more…]

More Major Australian Shopping Centres To Go Solar

Australian shopping centres - solar energy

Image: Vicinity Centres

Vicinity Centres yesterday announced it will be investing $28 million in solar power system installations at five of its shopping centres across South Australia and Western Australia, with work to begin next month. [Read more…]

National Energy Guarantee Battle Heats Up

Josh Frydenberg and John Grimes

Images: Josh Frydenberg via Facebook and Smart Energy Council

In a fight between Energy Minister Josh Frydenberg and Smart Energy Council CEO John Grimes, who would win?  [Read more…]

Geelong Community Solar Energy Project Powering Ahead

Geelong Sustainability community solar power

Image: Geelong Sustainability

The official launch of Geelong Sustainability’s innovative community solar energy investment project took place last week. [Read more…]

Echuca Regional Library Goes Solar

Echuca Library - solar energy. 

Image: Campaspe Shire Council via Facebook.

As part of Victoria’s Campaspe Shire Council’s green efforts, Echuca Regional Library now boasts 368 solar panels on its rooftop – and it will be saving a bunch of bucks on electricity to boot. [Read more…]

Powershop Removes Mystery About Reposit GridCredits

Powershop reveals Reposit GridCredit payments

Powershop Reveals Dollar Value Of Reposit Payments For Exporting Battery Power To Grid During ‘Critical Peaks’

Reposit is a smart controller that helps households make more effective use of battery systems.  One advantage Reposit provides is during certain — very limited — periods of time, you can be paid $1 for each kilowatt-hour of electricity your battery exports to the grid.  Reposit calls these payments GridCredits. [Read more…]

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