Search Results for: victoria

Green Light For Queensland’s Rodds Bay Solar Farm

Rodds Bay Solar Farm

Gladstone Regional Council has approved the development application for Rodds Bay Solar Farm, a 300MW PV-based facility to be built near the township of Bororen; approximately 50km south of Gladstone. [Read more…]

Tasmania’s Solar Feed-In Tariff Review Kicks Off

Tasmania solar feed in tariff review

Image: Department of State Growth, Tasmania

Solar owners and supporters in Tasmania have been invited to provide their feedback on the future of Tasmania’s solar feed-in tariff. [Read more…]

IPART Finalises Benchmark Range For NSW Solar Feed-In Tariffs

New South Wales solar feed in tariff

The Independent Pricing and Regulatory Tribunal’s new benchmark range for solar feed in tariffs in New South Wales for 2018/19 is lower, and a time-varying option has also been introduced. [Read more…]

Germany Generates 104 *Billion* Kilowatt Hours From Renewables In H1

Renewable Energy in Germany

Solar panels image: anaterate

During the first half of this year, Germany’s renewables fleet cranked out more than 100 billion kilowatt hours (100,000 gigawatt hours) of electricity according to E.ON. [Read more…]

Massive Solar + Storage Facility For South Australia To Proceed

The necessary approvals have been granted for the Solar River Project – a huge solar + battery storage facility to be constructed in South Australia’s Mid-North. [Read more…]

Monash Forum Releases First Coal “Fact Sheet”

Coal Power - Monash Forum Fact Sheet

Image: stevepb

The Monash Forum, a collective of pro-coal Liberal/National MPs, published its first fact sheet in defence of the little black rock late last week. It was ..interesting. [Read more…]

Worrisome Results From Canberra’s Battery Test Centre

Lithium-ion Battery Test Centre

Canberra’s Battery Test Centre has been going a couple of years now. What do the results so far tell us about the state of the home battery market?

I am very happy.  I just found out there is a battery testing centre in Canberra.  Who would have thought there would be something useful in Canberra?  Besides, of course, for the Federal Government and the bureaucracy that’s necessary for the functioning of a modern representative democracy.1 [Read more…]

Go-Ahead Given For Morwell Power Station Demolition

Morwell Power Station

Image: Heritage Council Of Victoria

While recently heritage-listed, the Heritage Council Of Victoria has granted permission for owners of the defunct Morwell Power Station to demolish it. [Read more…]

Landlord Energy — Providing Solar For Commercial Tenants

Landlord Energy - Commercial Solar

If you are a business owner there’s an excellent chance you’re not happy with cost of grid electricity and would love to lower your bills with rooftop solar.  Unfortunately, there’s also an excellent chance you rent your business premises and so don’t have much of an incentive to install solar. After all you can’t take it with you when you leave. [Read more…]

Lyon, JERA and Fluence Formalise Energy Storage Collaboration

Lyon, Jera, Fluence - Battery storage

Lyon Group, JERA and Fluence have banded together to pursue further utility-scale battery storage development and investment opportunities in the Asia Pacific, including Australia. [Read more…]

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