Search Results for: victoria

ACCC Peddles Solar Subsidy Axing To Nationals, Liberals Next

Australia's solar subsidy facing the axe?

Image: Momentmal

The ACCC’s Rod Sims yesterday briefed National Party MPs on a suite of recommendations on electricity affordability, including the premature axing of Australia’s solar subsidy. [Read more…]

NEG – COAG Energy Council Meeting Outcome

At the COAG Energy Council Meeting on Friday, the Federal Government was told to get its act together on the National Energy Guarantee if it is to have any hope of getting it over the line. [Read more…]

Is AGL’s ‘Solar Savers’ 20c Feed-In Tariff A Good Deal?

AGL 20c Feed In Tariff - Solar Savers

AGL’s 20 cent feed-in tariff could be  a good deal for efficient homes with over 5 kilowatts of inverter capacity.

If I were to ask:

“Would you like a 20 cent feed-in tariff for the electricity your solar system sends into the grid?”

Chances are at least some of you would reply:

“A whole 20 cents?  That’s more than what I’m getting now, so yeah, baby!  Yeah!”

[Read more…]

National Energy Guarantee : Anything But Consensus

National Energy Guarantee fight continues

Image: 947051

Victoria and the ACT lay their cards on the table concerning the National Energy Guarantee, meanwhile the Smart Energy Council fires a shot across the bows of the CEC over its stance. [Read more…]

Mandatory Solar Energy Or Living Rooftops Ahead In Moreland?

Compulsor solar panels in Moreland

Image: moerschy

Victoria’s Moreland City Council will vote tonight on investigating the potential to make solar panels, solar hot water or “living roof” space mandatory for new residential and commercial builds. [Read more…]

2/3 Of Australians Agree More Renewables Will Slash Electricity Prices

Renewables vs. coal - Australia

Image: hpgruesen

In the battle for hearts and minds of Australians with regard to the nation’s energy future, renewables are still the victor according to the results of a recent Reachtel Poll. [Read more…]

June A Bumper Month For Small Scale Solar In Australia

June solar installations in Australia

Image: plonk66

June was another busy period for the Australian rooftop solar installation sector, but not quite as hectic as May. [Read more…]

ESCO Pacific Takes Solar Farm Decision To VCAT

Glenrowan Solar Farm

Rural City of Wangaratta Council have been unable to arrive at a decision on whether to green-light Glenrowan Solar Farm, so the developer has taken the application to VCAT. [Read more…]

Bendigo Sustainability Group’s Latest Community Solar Projects

Community solar power in Bendigo

Bendigo Sustainability Group is powering towards reaching fundraising goals for two community solar energy projects in its region. [Read more…]

The ACCC Wants To Lower Electricity Prices Even If It Kills You

ACCC and Australia's Solar Subsidy

Ending the “Solar Rebate” will save households $18 per year and kill people. Nice one ACCC.

The Australian Competition & Consumer Commission, or ACCC, published a report last Wednesday titled Restoring electricity affordability and Australia’s competitive advantage.  Michael alerted people about it here and wrote more here.  The opening lines of the report don’t pull any punches and begins with: [Read more…]

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