Search Results for: south australia

Energy Storage Echo Chamber Has Greens And Coalition Working To Increase Emissions

Greens MP and Liberal MP calling for storage subsidies

The Greens and the Libs agree on one thing at least: that storage should be subsidised. But should it?

The mainstream media has been full of news about energy storage over the last few months. [Read more…]

Zero Emissions, Green Limousine Service Launches In Adelaide

myCar EV service - Adelaide

MyCar luxury electric vehicle chauffeur service

Want to take a spin in a Tesla? South Australia’s first zero-emissions chauffeur service, myCar, launched in Adelaide yesterday – but as a luxury service, it won’t be cheap.

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U.S. 300MW Battery Storage Project Looks Set To Proceed

AES 300MW battery storage project

The company that held the title of the world’s largest installed lithium-ion battery system earlier this year has cleared a hurdle for a far larger energy storage project.

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Contract Awarded For Construction Of Yorke Peninsula Battery Project

Battery storage facility South Australia

Image: 1264187

ElectraNet has announced construction of its 30 MW large-scale battery at Dalrymple substation on South Australia’s Yorke Peninsula will be carried out Adelaide company Consolidated Power Projects (CPP).

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Tesla Powering Ahead On Projects

Tesla Powerpack battery installation - Jamestown South Australia

Powerpack battery system, Jamestown South Australia | Image: Tesla

Tesla and its CEO, Elon Musk, have hit the headlines multiple times over the last week – here’s a roundup of some of the major stories.

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Electric Cars Will Roll Over The Competition

Tesla Superchargers

Tesla superchargers connected to Tesla S electric luxury vehicles in Adelaide sitting opposite Mitsubishi MiEVs.

The Electric Car Revolution Is Coming And Cannot Be Stopped

Electric cars are approaching a major milestone.  Soon they will reach 1% of total world vehicle production.

If you don’t think that’s a big deal, consider how quickly things changed once 1% of people had the internet or 1% had smartphones.  This might not seem like a reasonable comparison, as a brand new electric car costs more than twice as much as the latest iPhone, but things are definitely taking off. [Read more…]

Turnbull Twisting Arms Over Natural Gas Is A Zero Sum Game

malcolm turnbull having a gas

Don’t believe the hype. Domestic gas prices have very little effect on retail electricity prices. Someone should tell Turnbull.

According to the mainstream media, Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull has been busy twisting the arms of natural gas producers. He wants Australians to pay less for Australian gas. Specifically he wants us to pay less than overseas customers pay for Australian gas.

This has upset gas producers because, like most companies, they would prefer to sell stuff for more money rather than less. [Read more…]

Approval Granted For 60MW Mareeba Solar Farm

Queensland’s Mareeba Shire Council has approved plans for Mareeba Solar Farm, a facility that will boast 196,000 solar panels.

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Solar Savings Bonanza From August Small Scale PV Installations

Electricity bill savings from solar panels

Solar panel image: B137,CC BY-SA 4.0

The latest Renewable Energy Index from Green Markets indicates rooftop solar panels (small scale systems) installed across Australia last month will deliver $180 million in electricity bill savings over 10 years.

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Why It Makes Sense To Fill Your Roof With Solar

roof full of solar

Q. How much solar should you install on your roof?

A. As much as you reasonably can.

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