Search Results for: south australia

Victorian Coal Power Station Unit Fails – Again

Loy Yang A power station - Victoria

Image: AGL

A troublesome generation unit at the brown coal-fired Loy Yang A power station again experienced problems early yesterday morning – reportedly the sixth incident in just a few weeks. [Read more…]

Port Augusta 150MW Solar Thermal Power Plant Approved

SolarReserve Aurora Solar Thermal Power Station - Port Augusta

Image: SolarReserve

SolarReserve’s $650 million Aurora solar thermal power station project has been granted development approval by South Australia’s State Government. [Read more…]

Port Augusta Mayor Calls For Northern Power Station Royal Commission

Northern Power Station demolition and rehabilitation

Image : Flinders Power

Port Augusta Mayor Sam Johnson has had a gutful (or lungful) – he’s called for a Royal Commission into the impacts of the operation and closure of Northern Power Station. [Read more…]

Northern Power Station’s Legacy Lingers

Northern Power Station demolition

Image: Flinders Power

The South Australian city of Port Augusta was reportedly again shrouded in haze yesterday by dust emanating from the Northern Power Station site. [Read more…]

More Solar To Power Up In Mareeba Shire

Solar energy in Mareeba Shire, Queensland

Image: Danmiles

Queensland’s Mareeba region will be racking up a bunch of solar panels in the near future after another large-scale PV project was granted the go-ahead last week. [Read more…]

Floating Solar Power Plant For Adelaide Reservoir

Floating solar power - Adelaide, South Australia

Image: 3444753

A floating solar plant will be installed at a metropolitan reservoir in Adelaide – part of a much larger solar PV rollout announced today by SA Water. [Read more…]

CEFC Clocks Up 1GW+ Of Large-Scale Solar Investments

Solar Power - Clean Energy Finance Corporation

Image: CEFC

Australia’s Clean Energy Finance Corporation is finishing the year on a strong note, committing $207 million in debt finance to accelerate the development of two large-scale solar farms. [Read more…]

NAB Ends Coal Mine Financing, Creates New Renewables Portfolio

National Australia Bank - Renewables vs. coal

Images : NAB

National Australia Bank announced yesterday funding for new thermal coal mining projects was now off the table and a Low Carbon Shared Portfolio, a new way for institutional investors to back renewable energy projects. [Read more…]

Should you scrap your 1.5kW solar and replace it with a bigger system?

solar rag and bone man

Should you bite the bullet and scrap your 1.5kW solar system so you can fit a bigger system on your roof?

Five to eight years ago, just as the Australian solar industry was getting underway, many people locked in high feed in tariffs for their new, cutting-edge solar power systems.  For example, many people in Victoria with systems installed before 2012 are now getting 71.3 cents per kilowatt-hour of solar electricity exported into the grid.  And they will continue to receive this for almost 7 more years. [Read more…]

Want $0 Electricity Bills? On-Grid Solar Beats Batteries.

zero dollar bills?

Want Free Future Electricity Without Blowing The Bank?  Get On-Grid Solar Without Batteries.

When it comes to buying rooftop solar and batteries, people have a wide range of motivations.  Some want to save money, most are environmentally concerned, there are tech-heads interested in the technology, while others just want to be trendy.  Then there are confused people who ordered a battery thinking they were buying artillery or possibly a chicken.

But one motivation that pervades our society is love.  Love for free stuff.  In this case, free electricity.  Most people I know would love to have $0 electricity bills or better yet, be paid for providing clean solar electricity to the grid.

If $0 bills are what you want, it’s okay to admit it.  You’re among friends here. [Read more…]

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