Search Results for: tasmania

Australia’s King Island’s Transition To Off-Grid Renewables

Previously entirely dependent on expensive, dirty diesel for electricity generation, King Island’s supply is now predominantly wind and solar power backed by battery storage. [Read more…]

Going Off-Grid Done Right – SolarQuotes TV Episode 9

In this episode of SolarQuotes TV, discover how to go off-grid properly. Finn showcases some of the best examples of off-grid living in Australia and the solar hardware making it increasingly possible. [Read more…]

Big Trouble For Bad Installers As Clean Energy Regulator Shows Its Teeth

Integrity Review of the Rooftop Solar PV Sector in Australia

Last week the Clean Energy Regulator held an online information session titled, “Update on the Integrity Review of the Rooftop Solar PV Sector.”  It outlined major changes aimed at kicking crap solar installers out of the industry. [Read more…]

States With The Most Renewables Have The Cheapest Wholesale Electricity

Renewable energy in Australia and wholesale electricity prices

Wholesale electricity spot prices in the two Australian states with the most renewable energy generation — South Australia and Tasmania — are the lowest in the nation and have been for years.  This is good news for anyone who prefers clean energy over dirty. That is everyone who isn’t evil, an idiot, or both. [Read more…]

How To Fix Crap Solar In Australia

There are still far too many crap solar power system installations occurring and dodgy solar businesses operating in Australia – and the situation could be quite easily fixed says SolarQuotes founder Finn Peacock. [Read more…]

Air Conditioners Will Heat Your Home Cheaper Than Gas. Here’s Why.

Reverse cycle air conditioner vs gas heating

The best way to heat your home is with a reverse cycle air conditioner.  This is true whether your goal is to save money or save the planet.  In this article, I’ll explain no matter how crap your air conditioner is, you’re likely to be financially better off using it for heat instead of gas. [Read more…]

The Rise Of Batteries In Australia – SolarQuotes TV Episode 7

Are home batteries finally poised to go mainstream in Australia? And in a 17-kilometre race in to the city, which wins – a battery-assisted bike or an electric car? Tesla Powerwall vs. lead acid batteries, a debate between a battery cynic and a true believer, plus much more in episode 7 of SolarQuotes TV! [Read more…]

Clean Energy Council Compliance Activity Update

CEC solar installer compliance

The CEC has provided a snapshot of  its Solar Accreditation Scheme related compliance activity between the beginning of July last year and the end of June this year. [Read more…]

The Dark Side: Solar Power In Winter – SolarQuotes TV Episode 6

This month’s SolarQuotes TV episode focuses on winter – how do solar power systems fare? Another important question is also answered – can a Tesla Powerwall cook a human? See the outcome of a battery powered sauna battle! Plus, making solar work in Tasmania, heat pumps, PV payback, panel angles and much more in SQTV Episode 6! [Read more…]

Solar Export Limiting: Just How Much Energy Will You Lose?

What are the losses from solar export limiting? — You’ll lose less energy generation than you think.

Export limited solar systems are becoming increasingly common. 

Some new solar power system buyers are being told they can only proceed with an installation if the installer ‘export limits’ their system.

Export limiting is a polite way of saying ‘hobbled’.  An export limited solar system will occasionally send less electricity into the grid than its inverter can supply.  That can cause clean solar energy to go to waste. 

That sounds awful, but the good news is: the amount lost is far less than most people expect.

[Read more…]

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