Search Results for: hydrogen

Do We Have Enough Critical Minerals For A Solar & Battery Powered Future?

Critical minerals for solar panel and battery production

Last year the International Energy Agency (IAE) published a report titled…

The Role of Critical Minerals In Clean Energy Transitions

I recently dived deep into its 260 pages to see if a shortage of critical minerals threatens the world’s transition to a renewable future. [Read more…]

Rooftop Solar Trounced Gas Power In Australia In 2021

Gas power vs. renewable energy in Australia

Gas-fired electricity generation fell again across Australia last year – down to its lowest level in more than 15 years – while the renewables juggernaut rumbled on. [Read more…]

Victoria Readying For Next Stage Of Net Zero Emissions Goal

Victoria - net zero emissions

Victoria’s Andrews Government has recruited an expert panel to advise on an interim reduction target for 2035 as the state heads towards a goal of net zero emissions by 2050. [Read more…]

Solar + Battery Storage For Another Australian Gold Miner

Warrawoona Gold Project solar farm

Calidus Resources has inked an agreement with Zenith Pacific for the construction of a solar + battery storage facility that will help power the Warrawoona Gold Project in Western Australia. [Read more…]

$40 Million Funding For Australia’s Solar 30 30 30 Goal

Solar 30 30 30 - Australia

The Australian Renewable Energy Agency (ARENA) is throwing a fistful of cash at making solar power even cheaper than it is now. [Read more…]

South Australia Launches Electric Car And EV Smart Charger Subsidies

Electric vehicle subsidies in South Australia

Subsidies to support the purchase of electric vehicles and EV smart chargers are now available in South Australia. [Read more…]

Morrison Government Gas Plan For Australia “A Disaster”

Morrison Government gas plan

While COP26 is still clearly visible in its rear view mirror, the Morrison Government has already “set fire” to the agreement it made at the conference says the Climate Council. [Read more…]

Cities Power Partnership 2021 Climate Awards Winners Announced

Cities Power Partnership 2021 Awards

Australia’s largest local government climate network recognised outstanding council-led initiatives from across the country yesterday in the fourth annual Cities Power Partnership Climate Awards. [Read more…]

Electric Bus Build On Queensland’s Gold Coast

BusTech ZDI electric bus

BusTech ZDi electric bus sans wrapping

Queensland’s Palaszczuk Government has announced 16 new electric buses will be built on the Gold Coast and the state’s first 100% electric bus depot is to be constructed. [Read more…]

Air Conditioners Will Heat Your Home Cheaper Than Gas. Here’s Why.

Reverse cycle air conditioner vs gas heating

The best way to heat your home is with a reverse cycle air conditioner.  This is true whether your goal is to save money or save the planet.  In this article, I’ll explain no matter how crap your air conditioner is, you’re likely to be financially better off using it for heat instead of gas. [Read more…]

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