Search Results for: coal ash

Big end of town bails out of coal

coal cash and solar

The smart money is moving out of coal. Hurrah!

Ever considered the consequences of mega coal companies investing in solar power?

This week news came through of the world’s largest coal miner — Coal India Limited — pumping a cool $1.2 billion into the development of 1,000MW solar plants in the country.

Under huge pressure to source their energy in a more environmentally friendly way, the public-owned company is helping carry out the new Indian government’s effort to promote domestic renewable energy. Researching sites to establish the solar plants throughout the various states has already begun.

However this news — major though it was — paled into insignificance compared to reports this week that the philanthropic arm of the Rockefeller family is leading an international move away from fossil fuels and towards clean energy. [Read more…]

Will the Coalition’s $500 Solar Rebate do more harm than good?

Greg Hunt's new solar rebate scheme may really stuff up the solar industry...

Greg Hunt’s new solar rebate scheme may really stuff up the solar industry…

Nothing more we like at SQHQ that a good old fashioned brouhaha. After all a bit of air clearing is needed after the uncertainty (and dare I say disappointment) of the way solar policy was gleefully trashed following the election. This of course included the change in government policy on solar rebates, war declared on renewable energy agencies and indeed anything that looked like it could be called progressive energy policy from the previous government. As such our very own Finn Peacock, took the baseball bat to the new solar rebate policy announced by Greg “The Smiling Assassin” Hunt (By the way does anyone else think that Mr Hunt and David Potter from ABC’s “Rake” look worryingly familiar?) [Read more…]

Any positives for solar power under the new Coalition government?

How will solar fare under Abbott and the Coalition?

How will solar fare under Abbott and the Coalition?

Here at SQHQ — as with all of those supporting alternative energy — we’re surveying the damage after the Coalition’s expected yet stunning landslide win on Saturday night. Both the Liberals and Nationals took a slash and burn approach to solar power in Australia and the whole renewable energy sector during the campaign. This approach included policy announcements such as the gutting of ARENA and the end of the Clean Energy Finance Corporation and “Sloppy” Joe and his finance mates have given no inkling of changing their minds on this all important issue. See last week’s article for more details. [Read more…]

Do Sen Joyce’s troglodyte views on solar influence Coalition energy policy?


“Me Barnaby – Me like fire and coal. Grunt Grunt”

As the country is dragged reluctantly — like a kid from a lolly shop — into election mode following the Prime Minister’s Jan. 30 early announcement, it is instructive to see where the mainstream media turned much of its attention. To which party is best suited to handle the economy? The environment? Climate change? Energy policy? No. Much of the media’s focus has been on the significance of the PM’s new glasses.

Will the new glasses signify a new 20/20 “vision splendid” for the nation’s energy policy? A policy of engaging with renewables (particularly solar power)? Or do they signify a myopic energy policy dedicated to continuing support of fossil fuel subsidies? [Read more…]

Push to Make Electricity Retailers Pay as NSW Coalition Continue Solar Spin Cycle

The issue of solar energy, and more importantly the backflip on the Solar Bonus Scheme continues to dominate debate in the NSW Parliament “bearpit”. Heroic efforts by the Coalition to contain fallout are matched only by attempts by certain Liberals to accept credit for the turnaround.

Meanwhile injecting a new angle into the sorry NSW solar debate, NSW Greens MP Dr John Kaye has led his party’s endorsement of the Independent Pricing and Regulatory Tribunal’s (IPART) recommendation that NSW electricity retailers pay the full cost of the solar power they receive. [Read more…]

Liddell Power Station: The End Is (Really) Nigh

Liddell Power Station

First switched on back in 1971, coal- fired clunker Liddell Power Station will very soon be switched off for good. So, what impact will this have on electricity prices? Will there be blackouts? [Read more…]

Eraring Power Station Closure “Bitterly Disappointing” – Taylor

Eraring coal power station closure

The writing has been on the wall for a long while. But Federal Minister for Industry, Energy and Emissions Reduction Angus Taylor seemed genuinely shocked by news of yet another early exit of a coal power plant. [Read more…]

Six Hunter Councils Sign Up For More Solar Power

Mojo solar power purchase agreement

A collective of six councils in NSW’s Hunter region have inked a 10-year Power Purchase Agreement with Mojo Power. [Read more…]

APPEA Spruiking Carbon Capture And Storage (Again)

Carbon capture and storage

APPEA says if the world can fast-track and scale up carbon capture and storage (CCS) development, it will lead to net zero emissions faster. Of course it would (say that). [Read more…]

Phytomining: Mining Battery Metals With Plants

Phytomining battery metals

Researching the potential for plants to pull battery metals out of the ground has received backing from the Queensland Government. [Read more…]

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