Search Results for: council

More Large-Scale Solar For Far North Queensland – Atherton Solar Farm

Atherton Solar Farm

An application for a solar farm near Tolga in Queensland is currently in its public notification phase. [Read more…]

SolarQuotes Vodcast Episode 9: The Approved Solar Retailer Edition

Round 9 of the SolarQuotes Vodcast, where Ronald and I address the worrying development of the CEC Approved Solar Retailer Scheme (ASR) becoming effectively mandatory in Victoria, plus other recent solar news. [Read more…]

Australia’s Solar Waste Problem “Underestimated”

Solar panel waste in Australia

Good quality solar panels will last decades. The problem is not all solar panels installed in Australia have been of good quality. [Read more…]

Proposed Baringhup Solar Farm Hits A Snag

Baringhup Solar Farm development site

Image: RES Australia Pty Ltd

Mount Alexander Shire Council will request the involvement of Victoria’s Minister for Planning in determining a planning permit application for the proposed Baringhup Solar Farm. [Read more…]

Daley Vs. Berejiklian On School Strike 4 Climate Protests

School strike for climate change action

Image: School Strike 4 Climate Australia

NSW Labor leader Michael Daley has voiced his support for Friday’s school student climate action strikers, while Premier Gladys Berejiklian says the kids should stay in class. [Read more…]

Go-Ahead Granted For Gunnedah Solar Farm

Gunnedah Solar Farm

New South Wales’ Independent Planning Commission has approved a contentious $200-million solar farm project near Gunnedah – with some added conditions. [Read more…]

Making Approved Solar Retailer Status Mandatory in Victoria Would Be Disastrous

Approved Solar Retailers In Victoria

In Orwell’s Animal Farm, animals were told that doing extra work was voluntary, yet those who didn’t volunteer got their rations reduced.

In November 2013 the Clean Energy Council told solar companies that becoming an Approved Solar Retailer (ASR), which requires extra work, was voluntary. But in 2018  solar companies that had not signed up started to lose their opportunity to benefit from participation in state government solar rebate and zero interest loan schemes.

Beware of schemes that claim to be voluntary but force you into applying by other means. [Read more…]

60 Million Tonnes Of Toxic Coal Ash At Lake Macquarie

Coal ash at Lake Macquarie

Just some of the huge stockpile of coal ash | Image: HCEC

Accumulation of coal ash and water discharge from New South Wales’ Eraring and Vales Point power stations is creating a toxic aquatic environment in Lake Macquarie states a new report. [Read more…]

Queensland’s Government Kicks Off Solar For Rentals Rebate Trial

Solar For Rentals rebate - Queensland

Image: moerschy

A huge number of Australian households who are renters are locked out of solar power savings. A new initiative from the Queensland Government is trialling a way to help address this – but there are a few catches. [Read more…]

ScoMo’s Climate Solutions Package Panned

Prime Minister Scott Morrison - Climate Solutions Package

Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison | via Facebook

Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison yesterday announced the climate policy he’ll be going into the next election with. If the aim was to elicit negative reactions, then it was a rip-roaring success. [Read more…]

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