Search Results for: council

Tweed Shire Adds Aquatic Centre Installation To Solar Energy Portfolio

Tweed Shire Council - solar power

New South Wales’ Tweed Shire Council switched on its new 165kW solar panel installation at the Tweed Regional Aquatic Centre (TRAC) in Murwillumbah last week. [Read more…]

Western Australia’s City of Vincent Installing Solar Power

City of Vincent - solar power

City of Vincent (Council) in WA is installing solar panels on four of its large buildings – and expects a rapid payback on its investment. [Read more…]

Solar Businesses Facing Action Over Sales And Marketing Tactics

Solar businesses - legal action

In its latest Installer News, the Clean Energy Council has flagged a couple of recent instances where Australian solar businesses have caught the attention of government consumer watchdogs. [Read more…]

Victoria’s Solar Homes Rebate Maxing Out – But Don’t Panic

Solar Victoria rebates

It was announced yesterday Solar Victoria will accept a final 2,000 applications for the Solar Homes Package rebate this financial year – but it will restart on July 1. [Read more…]

SolarQuotes Vodcast Episode 11 – Sneaky Solar Battery Advertising

After a trip to Sydney last week for the Smart Energy Conference & Exhibition, the team is back in Adelaide for episode 11 of the SolarQuotes Vodcast. [Read more…]

Instant Asset Write-off For Commercial Solar Boosted

Commercial solar instant asset writeoff

Image: samfabersf

The extension and expansion of Australia’s instant asset write-off scheme could be of significant benefit to businesses considering installing solar power. [Read more…]

“Smart Inverters” To Be Mandatory Under Victoria’s Solar Homes Package

Solar Victoria - smart inverters

Victoria’s government has announced changes to the state’s Solar Homes Package that will make smart inverters mandatory for solar power systems installed from the beginning of July under the program. So, what is a smart inverter? [Read more…]

BrownPower: Finally Some Innovative Thinking From The Coal Industry

BrownPower - Accredited Coal-Fired Energy

Finally! Some innovation from the traditional energy industry.

During the recent kerfuffle about the Approved Solar Retailer scheme, I had an epiphany.

It dawned on me that the ‘new energy’ media landscape in Australia has become a victim of the ‘filter bubble’ culture – and is, in 2019, horribly lopsided. To be specific, scrolling through the news feeds there is very little coverage of what the other side of the energy industry are up to. Rather narcissistically the ‘Clean Energy’ industry only ever publish news about low emissions technology, blatantly ignoring any innovation from ‘the other side’. [Read more…]

Bad For Consumers & Bad For Business: CEC Approved Solar Retailer Scheme Now Mandatory In Victoria

Mandatory Approved Solar Retailer Scheme

Last week the Clean Energy Council announced their formerly voluntary Approved Solar Retailer Scheme would be — with the smallest of fig leafs — made mandatory for all companies installing residential rooftop solar power systems in Victoria. This means installers are faced with joining the scheme — if they can — or going out of business or moving out of state. [Read more…]

SA Voters Back 100% Renewable Energy By 2030

Renewable energy poll - The Australia Institute

New polling indicates 69% of South Australian voters support a transition to 100% renewables-based electricity in the state by 2030. Even One Nation supporters seem pretty keen on the idea. [Read more…]

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