Search Results for: victoria

Large Scale Solar + Storage Facility Proposed For Leeton Area

Yanco Solar Farm

Another proposal for a large scale solar farm in New South Wales began its exhibition period this week. [Read more…]

Cohuna Solar Farm Construction Commences

Cohuna Solar Farm - Enel Green Power Australia

Image: Bru-nO

Enel Green Power Australia announced last week it had started construction of Victoria’s 34 MW Cohuna Solar Farm. [Read more…]

Hanwha Energy Seeking Australian Electricity Retailer Status

Hanwha Energy Retail Australia - Electricity Retailer Authorisation

The Australian Energy Regulator (AER) announced yesterday it has accepted an electricity retailer authorisation application from Hanwha Energy Retail Australia (Hanwha ERA). [Read more…]

Solar Businesses Facing Action Over Sales And Marketing Tactics

Solar businesses - legal action

In its latest Installer News, the Clean Energy Council has flagged a couple of recent instances where Australian solar businesses have caught the attention of government consumer watchdogs. [Read more…]

Old Beechworth Gaol Goes Solar 

Old Beechworth Gaol - solar power

Image: Totally Renewable Yackandandah

Victoria’s historic Old Beechworth Gaol site is now more environmentally friendly and cheaper to run thanks to the addition of solar panels. [Read more…]

SolarQuotes Vodcast Episode 12 – Dungeons & Dragons

Finn and Ronald chat about some of the major solar energy stories from the past week, talk solar panel direction and relive the glory of the company’s first D&D tournament. [Read more…]

Redeployable Commercial Solar Gets ARENA Cash

Solpod redeployable commercial solar

The Australian Renewable Energy Agency is supporting a project involving the installation of redeployable solar power systems on commercial and government buildings. [Read more…]

Yarra Ranges Council To Use Solar Charged Electric Vehicles

Two new electric cars have been acquired by Victoria’s Yarra Ranges Council, which Council says will be charged by solar power. [Read more…]

SolarQuotes Vodcast Episode 11 – Sneaky Solar Battery Advertising

After a trip to Sydney last week for the Smart Energy Conference & Exhibition, the team is back in Adelaide for episode 11 of the SolarQuotes Vodcast. [Read more…]

NPI Report Highlights Need For Coal Power Pollution Crackdown

Environmental Justice Australia states this year’s National Pollutant Inventory report results strengthens the case for getting tough on air pollution created by the nation’s coal-fired clunkers. [Read more…]

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