Search Results for: council

LG Chem Australia Partners With Local Battery Recycler

LG Chem battery recycling Australia

Energy storage manufacturer LG Chem has chosen Envirostream to be the company’s exclusive battery recycling partner in Australia. [Read more…]

SA Power Networks Limits Three-Phase Exports To 15kW

Solar power and three-phase in South Australia

If you’re a South Australian who needs three-phase output from your solar power kit, I hope you’ve already made your application to SA Power Networks for approval, because from the end of May, new rules limit three-phase export in that state to 5kW per phase. [Read more…]

Sunpower To Territorians: Maxeon 3 Will Get Cyclone Rating Soon

Sunpower - Maxeon 3 - cyclone rating

Sunpower’s recent launch of the Maxeon range of PV panels has caught customers and installers in the Top End in a bit of a bind: the Maxeons replace the venerable but popular E-Series panels, but they haven’t yet obtained the rating needed to get approval in cyclone areas such as Darwin (or for that matter the northern regions of Queensland and Western Australia). [Read more…]

Silly Queensland Solar Rule Determined Invalid

The Supreme Court of Queensland yesterday ruled a recently introduced regulation resulting in extra costs in the construction of large-scale solar energy facilities in the state is invalid. [Read more…]

ABC 7:30 Report On Shonky Solar: Fair Comment Or Beat-up?

Leigh Sales - ABC 7.30 report on solar power

Is the solar industry full of shonks like the ABC implied? Should you be worried?

Who saw the 7:30 report last night? Its lead story was questioning the safety and quality of the Australian solar power industry. Leigh Sales promised to reveal “the dark side of Australia’s solar obsession”. [Read more…]

Solar Power For Orange Regional Airport

Orange Regional Airport - solar energy

Image via Cox Architecture (a company involved with 2012-2015 airport expansion)

Orange Regional Airport’s new solar power system won’t be a particularly big ‘un, but every panel and every clean kilowatt-hour counts. [Read more…]

Walkout Thwarts City Of Hobart Climate Change Emergency Debate

City of Hobart - Climate Change

Image: Barrylb

A debate on whether City of Hobart (Council) would officially declare a “climate and biodiversity emergency” had to be abandoned after three councillors walked out. [Read more…]

SA’s City Of Onkaparinga To Reap More Solar Energy Savings

Solar energy - City of Onkaparinga

Three of the City of Onkaparinga Council’s biggest energy-consuming sites will benefit from the installation of solar panels in the next few months. [Read more…]

Mayors Demand Real Climate Action, More Support For Renewables

Mayor climate change action demands

Image: Tumisu

15 Mayors from councils across Australia have urged the Federal Government (whoever it is next) to make tackling climate change a top priority. [Read more…]

Random Solar System Inspections Are Effective And Low Cost

Random solar power system inspections

On Monday John Inglis from Positronic1 Solar had a guest post published on our blog where he called for 100% of new rooftop solar installations to be inspected by the state or territory’s electrical regulator.  [Read more…]

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