Search Results for: victoria

Fourex Beer Now Brewed With A Helping Hand From Solar Energy

Solar powered beer - Fourex

Solar powered Fourex beer – a lot of shading on those panels – perhaps it was early morning/late afternoon.

There will be a bit of sunshine in every Fourex beer thanks to a rooftop solar power system installed at the Castlemaine Perkins brewery in the Brisbane suburb of Milton. [Read more…]

SolarQuotes Vodcast Episode 20 – Fishy Figures

Finn and Ronald discuss the latest solar panel torture testing results, the Victorian solar rebate (subsidy), rooftop isolators, a forecast based on very dodgy figures and more.

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Australian Standard For Battery Testing Gets Closer

Australian Standard for solar battery testing

Out of my twenty-four 2V, 1200AH batteries, one has developed a fault and is dragging on the whole system. It would be a simple warranty claim except that I have to get the battery tested, and where I live nobody has the equipment needed.

As a result of my battery discussions with my installer, I was very interested to learn that a solar battery performance standard is under development; so last Thursday (June 20), I joined a webinar hosted by the Smart Energy Council briefing the industry on its progress. [Read more…]

NSW Solar-Battery Interest Free Loans Update

NSW Empowering Homes - Solar Battery Loans

Image: Energy NSW

The NSW Government has flagged its interest-free solar-battery loans program – Empowering Homes – could commence towards the end of this year. [Read more…]

Proposed Winton Wetlands Mokoan Solar Project Announced

Winton Wetlands - Mokoan Solar Project

The Committee of Management of Winton Wetlands in Victoria is calling for expressions of interest from companies to build and operate a proposed large-scale solar farm on part of the site. [Read more…]

Good People Making Bad Decisions: A ‘Community Solar’ Case Study

A solar power and battery storage decision

I nearly choked on my kale smoothie reading this article in the latest Renew magazine…

The Alternative Technology Association (ATA to its friends) is a wonderful organisation. They started as the Alternative Technology Cooperative in 1980 and ever since they have been urging Australians to think differently and more sustainably about how they use and generate energy. [Read more…]

SolarQuotes Vodcast Episode 19 – It’s Payback Time

Finn and Ronald discuss simple payback times for solar power in Australia in 2019, the latest goss on Tesla Solar Roof, Canadian Solar’s warranty boost and more. [Read more…]

Greater Shepparton City Council Reaping The Benefits Of Solar Energy

Greater Shepparton City Council - solar power

Image: seagul

Victoria’s Greater Shepparton City Council is pleased with the performance to date of its most recent solar energy installations. [Read more…]

Simple Payback Time For 6.5 kW Of Rooftop Solar By Australian Capital — June 2019

solar panel payback

Discover typical solar payback in 2019 for each of Australia’s state capitals.

One year and one month ago I wrote about the simple payback time of rooftop solar, which is how long it takes the savings from solar power to equal the cost of a system.  In most Australian capitals it took around 5 years or less, which meant rooftop PV was one of the best investments households could make.

I have done the same thing again — except differently [Read more…]

How Much Rooftop Solar Power Can Be Installed In Australia?

Rooftop solar power in Australia

Ever wondered how much rooftop solar panel capacity could in theory be installed in Australia given the rooftop real estate available in this country? Here’s an answer. [Read more…]

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