Solar Quotes Blog

Dodgy DIY Home Solar + Battery Disaster

Solar battery fire

This solar and battery installation was the stuff of sparkie nightmares, and occupants of the Sydney home were very lucky to avoid an even greater tragedy.

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The Best Solar Inverters In 2023: According to Aussie Installers

Best solar inverters 2023 - Australia

The solar inverter is the hardest working component in your solar energy system. In a well-installed system, it is the component most likely to fail first – well, it is now we’ve got rid of roof-top DC isolators. But what inverter brands are best?

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Perrottet Pledges Clean Energy Superpower Fund

NSW Clean Energy Superpower Fund

Politicians know punters like solar power and the prospect of lower energy bills. NSW’s Perrottet Government has been tapping into this ahead of the state election.

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SA Flexible/Dynamic Solar Exports Rollout Update

Dynamic/flexible solar exports in South Australia

Flexible solar exports will be available across South Australia by July next year. So, what does this mean for current and new solar power system owners – and more broadly throughout Australia?

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Top Australian Solar Installation Postcodes In 2022

Top solar postcodes in 2022 - Australia

Now the dust has settled on 2022 a bit more, here’s a look at the top ten postcodes in Australia for solar installations carried out last year.

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Why REC Won Best Panels & Support: 2023 SQ Installers’ Choice Awards

why REC won best solar panels and support 2023

And the winner of SolarQuotes Installers’ Choice Awards 2023 for “Best Solar Panels” is… drum roll… REC (Renewable Energy Corporation). Not only did they steal the number one position this year, but they were also the winner in the “Best Support” category.

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NBN Co’s Solar Farm Project: Are We There Yet?

Wyalong Solar Farm

A solar energy project that will help power the operations of Australia’s NBN Co has seen some delays, but it shouldn’t be long until showtime.

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“ICEing” EV Drivers Can Be Costly

Fines in Australia for ICEing EV drivers

Drivers of internal combustion engine (ICE) vehicles should be aware parking their cars in a designated EV spot could turn out to be a pretty pricey exercise.

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A Deep Dive Into REC Solar Panel Warranties

A deep dive into the warranty for REC solar panels

REC produces premium solar panels. That means they’re not cheap, but they are high quality.  The company was Norwegian, but its headquarters are now in Singapore, along with its sole factory.  This article will be a deep dive into REC solar panel warranties. 

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First Stage Of NSW Courthouse Solar Rollout Complete

Solar energy - NSW courthouse project

The first stage of an initiative to introduce some solar powered justice in NSW has wrapped up – a little late and it seems one installation short.

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