Search Results for: tasmania

Rooftop Solar Trounced Gas Power In Australia In 2021

Gas power vs. renewable energy in Australia

Gas-fired electricity generation fell again across Australia last year – down to its lowest level in more than 15 years – while the renewables juggernaut rumbled on. [Read more…]

Solar Panels On A South Facing Roof Can Pay Anywhere In Australia

South facing panels - worth it in Australia

TLDR: Can you put solar panels facing south in Australia? Hell yeah!

In 2010, when Australian rooftop solar power really started to take off, nearly every Australian solar system faced north to maximise energy yield.  But today, on an unshaded roof, panels facing any direction can pay for themselves.  This includes the ‘worst’ direction: south. [Read more…]

Solar Export Tariff Draft Guidelines Released

Solar export tariff guidelines - Australia

Draft guidelines for solar export tariffs – a potential charge for exporting electricity into the grid – have been released for comment; and no doubt there will be plenty. [Read more…]

Microinverter Solar System For Devonport Council Arts Centre

Solar power in Devonport Tasmania - paranaple arts centre

Tasmania’s Devonport City Council is getting busy in making good on its Cities Power Partnership pledges. [Read more…]

A Truly Solar Powered Website

Low Tech Magazine solar powered website

Whether you’ll be able to visit this interesting website will depend on how sunny it’s been in recent days. [Read more…]

Australian Solar Prices: December 2021 Update

Australian Solar Price Index - December 2021

The cost of home solar power systems increased across much of Australia in November, but not all states saw a price hike. [Read more…]

Solar Inverter Integrated DC Isolator Mayhem Continues

Solar inverters and integrated DC isolators in Australia

Solar installers and inverter manufacturers are tearing their hair out over a spanner thrown into the works relating to new inverter standards in Australia. And the clock is ticking. [Read more…]

Australian Solar Prices: November 2021 Update

Australian Solar Price Index - November 2021

There’s been lots of talk about solar supply chain issues putting upwards pressure on system prices in Australia – here’s what we’ve been seeing on the ground (or more accurately, on the roof). [Read more…]

EV Charging Chat With Chargefox’s Evan B.

Evan Beaver from Chargefox shows us his home EV charger setup and discusses differences in electric car charging. [Read more…]

Electric Cars: The Ultimate Guide – SolarQuotes TV Episode 10

Sales of electric vehicles should overtake ICE (internal combustion engine) vehicles within just a few years. In SolarQuotes TV episode 10, Finn explains why the EV takeover is inevitable and how solar power will play a crucial role in helping make it happen. [Read more…]

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