Search Results for: south australia

SolarQuotes Vodcast Episode 19 – It’s Payback Time

Finn and Ronald discuss simple payback times for solar power in Australia in 2019, the latest goss on Tesla Solar Roof, Canadian Solar’s warranty boost and more. [Read more…]

SA Power Networks Limits Three-Phase Exports To 15kW

Solar power and three-phase in South Australia

If you’re a South Australian who needs three-phase output from your solar power kit, I hope you’ve already made your application to SA Power Networks for approval, because from the end of May, new rules limit three-phase export in that state to 5kW per phase. [Read more…]

EPC Partner For Whyalla’s Cultana Solar Farm Announced

Cultana Solar Farm - South Australia

SIMEC Energy Australia has inked the engineering, procurement and construction (EPC) contract for the Cultana Solar Farm project in South Australia – but it’s not with an Australian company. [Read more…]

On Saturday I Voted For The Planet — But It Didn’t Work!

Australian election 2019 - climate change

“The planet’s burning you idiots!’. But hey, at least your negative gearing and franking credits are safe. (Image: HBO)

On Saturday morning I wandered down to my local polling booth to exercise my voting power.  I have more of this than the average Australian because South Australia has a low population, yet the same number of senators as other states. [Read more…]

New Energy Tech Consumer Code Seeking Submissions (And Boy, Does It Need Them!)

New Energy Tech Consumer Code

A number of bodies — as in organisations, not corpses 1 — are working to come up with a New Energy Tech Consumer Code that covers the sale of solar power and battery systems, and are seeking submissions.

I’m planning to submit all over that son-of-a-bitch, so if you’ve got any suggestions you’d like included; put them in the comments and if I like them I’ll add them in. [Read more…]

SA’s City Of Onkaparinga To Reap More Solar Energy Savings

Solar energy - City of Onkaparinga

Three of the City of Onkaparinga Council’s biggest energy-consuming sites will benefit from the installation of solar panels in the next few months. [Read more…]

Powering Finn’s Land:  No Nukes Required

Nuclear power vs renewable energy in Finland

I have no idea what the badge says but Finn insisted on adding it.

During our 15th SolarQuotes vodcast filmed on Friday, Finn tried to get my goat by pointing out greenhouse gas emissions would be considerably higher without nuclear power.

[Read more…]

Port Augusta Vanadium Redox Flow Battery Project Progressing

CellCube vanadium redox flow battery

Canada’s CellCube has announced the signing of a Letter of Intent concerning a 50MW / 200MWh flow battery for a Pangea Energy project in Port Augusta, South Australia. [Read more…]

SolarQuotes Vodcast Episode 14 – Stupid Solar Rules

Finn and Ronald discuss highlights from the SolarQuotes blog from the previous week, plus a few other news items for good measure. [Read more…]

Smart Energy Council Says Dumb Things About Batteries

Smart Energy Council - solar batteries

On Thursday the 1st of May the Smart Energy Council put out a press release1that strongly implied home batteries can pay for themselves.  Unfortunately, at this time, they don’t with the possible exception of South Australia with their hefty subsidy of up to $6,000.  Anyone who says they do without a large subsidy is either being ignorant, incompetent, or deceptive. [Read more…]

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