Search Results for: victoria

Kingston City Council Declares Climate Emergency

City of Kingston climate emergency and solar energy

Victoria’s Kingston City Council has declared a climate emergency, joining dozens of other local governments across Australia to have done so. [Read more…]

EIS For Culcairn Solar Farm Released

Culcairn Solar Farm

Image: Google Earth

The exhibition period for Neoen’s proposed Culcairn Solar Farm project in New South Wales kicked off last week. [Read more…]

The New Energy Tech Consumer Code & The Battle To Purge ‘Interest Free Deals’ From Solar

Solar code of conduct and Buy Now, Pay Later (BNPL)

There’s a new solar code of conduct on the horizon, and Buy Now, Pay Later (BNPL) credit providers are not happy with it.

The ‘CEC Approved Solar Retailer’ (ASR) scheme, a code of conduct for solar companies, may soon be obsolete. I think that’s a good thing. [Read more…]

Tesla, Crap Customer Service And Australian Consumer Law

Tesla electric vehicle customer support - Model S

A two year old, $150,000 Tesla has a failed headlight. Tesla are refusing warranty, and want more than $4,000 to replace it.

Tesla’s notorious customer support is on display again, with a Model S owner offered a repair bill of $4,000 for a headlamp that failed a little over two years after purchase. [Read more…]

Solar Power At More NSW Hospitals

Solar energy - John Hunter Hospital

Image: Google Maps

In New South Wales, another four hospitals are being funded by the Berejiklian Government for the installation of solar power systems. [Read more…]

Loddon Shire Council To Decide On Solar Farm

Bendigo solar farm

Image: BayWa r.e

A meeting of Loddon Shire councillors this afternoon may decide the fate of a proposed BayWa r.e. solar energy project not far from Bendigo in Victoria. [Read more…]

SolarQuotes’ New Retail Electricity Plan Comparison Tool Can Save You Money — It Let Me Afford Pizza

Electricity plan comparison tool

Introducing Solarquotes New Retail Electricity Plan Comparison Tool:  It Will Pay For Pizza!

I’m paying way too much for electricity.  It’s driving me broke!  Financially I was doing okay until I told everyone I’d buy them pizza and it end up costing me $90.  How can pizza cost $90?  It’s dough, tomato sauce, ham, pineapple, and maybe some corn if you’re Japanese.  How can that be $90?  We only had four of them! [Read more…]

More Off-Grid Solar + Energy Storage For The Bush?

Off grid solar power

Image: Horizon Power

The bushfire crisis has some electricity distributors thinking more about utilising solar power and battery storage. [Read more…]

AEMC Report — Electricity Prices To Fall Thanks To Renewable Energy

Wind energy and solar power - AEMC

Electricity Prices To Fall Thanks To Wind And Solar Power — But Not In WA!

If you don’t live in Western Australia I have good news.  A report released on December the 9th by the Australian Energy Market Commission (AEMC) says electricity prices will fall in all states except WA.

[Read more…]

EnergyAustralia Solar Feed-In Tariff Changes

EnergyAustralia feed in tariff

“Big 3” electricity retailer EnergyAustralia has very recently updated its solar feed-tariff rates – with three states losing out. [Read more…]

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