Search Results for: nsw

A View From The UK: Consumer-Friendly Services Vital To Reach Net-Zero

Net zero carbon emissions in the UK

The UK is moving much faster than Australia towards net zero emissions. What can we learn from the Poms?

I’m often wary when I hear someone say “regulation is getting in the way of innovation”, because it’s so often led to disastrous deregulation of things that matter – public safety, building regulation, product safety and the like. [Read more…]

One Kilowatt Of Solar Makes Electric Cars Greener Than Hybrids

Electric cars beat hybrids on emissions

Electric cars beat hybrids on emissions thanks to additional rooftop solar power

Pop Quiz:  Which results in greater CO2 per kilometre?  An all electric car (EV) or a fuel efficient hybrid?

Answer:  An electric car charged from the Australian grid will result in around twice the emissions per kilometre driven. [Read more…]

New South Wales’ Net Zero Plan Stage 1 Unveiled

NSW Net Zero Plan Stage 1: 2020–2030

The NSW Government says its economy will see $11.6 billion of private investment and thousands of new jobs under Stage 1 of its plan to achieve net zero emissions by 2050. [Read more…]

More Solar Powered Lighting For Moreland

solar lighting

Victoria’s Moreland City Council will be making greater use of solar powered lighting to improve night-time safety near several sports facilities. [Read more…]

Dumaresq Solar Farm Project Progress

Dumaresq Solar Farm

If you haven’t heard of the Dumaresq Solar Farm project in New South Wales yet, it’s probably because little has been written about it. [Read more…]

Build It And They Will Come: Transmission Key To 100% Renewable Energy

transmission lines

ANU’s Professor Andrew Blakers says we need to build out transmission lines urgently.

If you wanted to block the expansion of renewable energy, a good place to start is to put bureaucratic roadblocks in the way of new, long distance electricity transmission infrastructure.

Discussing his participation in last week’s 100% renewable energy workshop at ANU, the university’s Professor Andrew Blakers told SolarQuotes transmission is the biggest short-term problem facing renewables in Australia. [Read more…]

SMA Says Their Inverter’s ShadeFix Software Reduces Effects Of Shade

SMA ShadeFix review

SMA’s ShadeFix doesn’t fix shade but reduces some of its secondary effects.

A couple of weeks go a reader asked me to write about ShadeFix.  ShadeFix is the software German manufacturer SMA include in their solar inverters.  This request made me feel a bit stupid because I had no idea what ShadeFix was. [Read more…]

100% Renewables-Based Electricity For Telstra By 2025

Andrew Penn - Telstra - Renewable Energy

Telstra CEO Andrew Penn yesterday announced three new goals for the company relating to carbon emissions reduction and boosting renewable energy use. [Read more…]

Canterbury Bankstown Council Seeking More Solar

Salt Pan Creek solar farm - Sydney

Sydney’s City of Canterbury Bankstown has kicked off an expression of interest process for the development of an urban solar farm within its boundaries. [Read more…]

Australian Solar Systems Interest Index – March 2020

Australian solar power report for February 2020

In our latest auSSII report we’ve added stats to answer the question everyone has been asking – what proportion of Australian solar buyers are interested in microinverters? [Read more…]

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