Search Results for: council

Orange Community Renewable Energy Park Plans Unveiled

Orange Community Renewable Energy Park Plans Unveiled

Image: Google Maps

ITP Development is proposing a solar farm with battery storage for a site approximately 6 kilometres north of Orange in New South Wales. [Read more…]

Clean Energy Finance Corporation Cash For Stockland

Stockland - solar energy

Australian property developer Stockland has sourced $75 million in finance from the CEFC for further energy efficiency and renewable energy initiatives. [Read more…]

SACOSS Wary Of Home Battery Scheme For Rentals

SA Home Battery Scheme

The South Australian Council of Social Service is unsure if increasing access to SA’s Home Battery Scheme for landlords and tenants would provide any real benefits to those parties. [Read more…]

Oh No, Not You Again – Barnaby Eyes Nationals Leadership

Barnaby Joyce - coal

Barnaby Joyce – (they say the eyes are the mirror of the soul)

The Nationals are at it again and there’s a chance by the end of today Barnaby Joyce may be the party’s leader (again) – and Australia’s Deputy Prime Minister. [Read more…]

The New Energy Tech Consumer Code & The Battle To Purge ‘Interest Free Deals’ From Solar

Solar code of conduct and Buy Now, Pay Later (BNPL)

There’s a new solar code of conduct on the horizon, and Buy Now, Pay Later (BNPL) credit providers are not happy with it.

The ‘CEC Approved Solar Retailer’ (ASR) scheme, a code of conduct for solar companies, may soon be obsolete. I think that’s a good thing. [Read more…]

Scientists’ Plea: Net Zero Greenhouse Gas Emissions In Australia by 2050

Australia - bushfires, emissions and climate change

Image: Professor Eelco Rohling

Hundreds of scientists have called on the Morrison Government to develop science-informed policies to help combat climate change in an open letter published last night. [Read more…]

Sungrow Crabby With Researcher Over Inverter Security Vulnerability Disclosure

A Brisbane researcher has alleged serious security vulnerabilities in a Sungrow inverter. Sungrow are not happy with him.

Update: patch available – see end of story

A few months after I wrote about security in the home renewables space, a Brisbane engineer bought a Sungrow SH5k-20 inverter, decided to “poke around”, and claims to have turned up a crop of serious security vulnerabilities. [Read more…]

Noosa To Host Cities Power Partnership Summit

Transforming Australian Energy

Noosa Council has been chosen to host a national summit later this year for local government, industry and community leaders doing their bit towards Australia’s energy transformation. [Read more…]

Celebrating Matt Kean Awareness Day

Minister Matt Kean

Here are some quick notes members of the Morrison Ministry may find handy in case they are ever asked who Matt Kean is. [Read more…]

Queensland’s First Community-Scale Battery Project Nears Prime Time

Tesla Powerpack battery project - Queensland

The first community-scale battery storage facility in Queensland – featuring Tesla Powerpack batteries – will soon be operational according to the Palaszczuk Government. [Read more…]

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