Search Results for: victoria

Shepparton Council Adds More Solar Power

Aquamoves solar panel installation - Shepparton

In Victoria, another two Greater Shepparton City Council facilities are harvesting the energy of the sun – Aquamoves and the Shepparton Saleyards. [Read more…]

Telstra Closes In On Carbon Neutrality

Telstra carbon neutrality

A new project involving solar power is about to help take Telstra to the point of carbon neutrality – but it’s not in Australia. [Read more…]

Battery Performance Standard Submitted To Standards Australia

Australian Solar Battery Performance Standard

DNV GL has announced a draft standard developed by the Australian Battery Performance Standard (ABPS) project has been submitted to Standards Australia for review. [Read more…]

Solar Panels May Help Power Geelong Refinery

Geelong Refinery

Viva Energy’s oil refinery in Geelong, Victoria could be turned into an “energy hub” incorporating solar + storage – but also more fossil fuels. [Read more…]

My ACCC Submission: The CEC Approved Retailer Scheme Is Not Voluntary & Is Anti-Competitive

ACCC - CEC Approved Solar Retailer Scheme

If you want to sell residential solar in Victoria or batteries in SA, CEC Approved Solar Retailer membership is de-facto mandatory.

The Australian Competition And Consumer Commission — ACCC for short — is seeking submissions on whether or not the Clean Energy Council’s Approved Solar Retailer scheme should be renewed. [Read more…]

2020 PV Reliability Scorecard: Astronergy, Canadian, Longi & REC Do Well

PVEL 2020 PV Module Reliability Scorecard

Astronergy, Canadian, Longi, & REC Do Well but PID Still A Problem

PV Evolution Labs, or PVEL for short, has published their 2020 PV Module Reliability Scorecard.  This annual report reveals the Top Performers from their latest round of solar panel testing.  The information given is limited.  We’re only told which panels suffered little deterioration from testing. PVEL do not reveal which performed poorly.  They do not even reveal all the panels that were tested.  But it’s still useful to know which did well.

If you buy a solar panel that was a Top Performer in all four tests you can be confident it’s going to last for decades. [Read more…]

Frasers Solar Farm Facing Opposition

Frasers Solar Farm

A proposed solar farm in Victoria has met with a range of community concerns that have the support of Latrobe City Council. [Read more…]

Campbelltown City Council Green Lights Smart Solar Table Trial

Smart Solar Picnic table

Adelaide’s Campbelltown City Council looks set to trial a locally-manufactured “smart” solar picnic table that will enable charging of hand-held devices. [Read more…]

More Community Hall Solar On The Cards In Horsham LGA

Community hall solar in Horsham LGA, Victoria

Victoria’s Horsham Rural City Council’s 2020-21 Draft Budget includes cash to put solar panels on more community halls within its boundaries. [Read more…]

Australian Energy Statistics (Electricity Generation) For 2019

Solar energy generation statistics - Australia 2019

The Department of Industry, Science, Energy and Resources has released electricity generation statistics covering last year in Australia that show solar energy’s continued ascent and coal power’s ongoing decline. [Read more…]

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