Search Results for: nsw

Energy Australia’s Solar Plus Plan: Free Solar & Battery Comes At A High Cost

Energy Australia's Solar Plus Plan review

Energy Australia will give you a ‘free’ solar power system + Tesla Powerwall. All you have to do is buy your energy from them for 7 years. Is that a good deal?

TLDR: You’ll save more money if you go to the effort of buying your own, bigger solar power system rather than surrendering your roof’s profits to Energy Australia. [Read more…]

Nillumbik Solar Farm Up For Initial Community Comment

Nillumbik Shire Council solar farm

A proposed solar farm project for Victoria’s Nillumbik Shire has taken another step forward with the recent commencement of community consultation. [Read more…]

Another Solar Rollout For Central Coast Council

More solar for Central Coast Council

Image source: Central Coast Council

New South Wales’ Central Coast Council will be saving bigger bucks on electricity through the installation of thousands more solar panels across its assets. [Read more…]

Confession: I Believed Solar PV Was Causing LV Network Over-Voltage Problems. I Was Wrong.

You’ve heard the one about how the growth of grid-connected solar power is causing voltage rise on low voltage (LV) networks?

I sure have. I’ve written plenty about the phenomenon, often with an eye to what networks are doing to try and counter the problem.

However, courtesy of an e-mail from Green Energy Markets’ Tristan Edis, I have learned to my surprise that the “blame solar power” narrative simply isn’t true. [Read more…]

New Solar Power System For Mosman Sports Centre

Solar power - Mosman

It was out with the old and in with the new in a solar power upgrade for Marie Bashir Mosman Sports Centre in Sydney. [Read more…]

ARENA Study: Network Upgrades Better Than Solar Curtailment

citi power powercor report - Future Grid For Distributed Energy

More solar power on the grid has its challenges. Lots of people (and governments) are claiming the challenges can be solved with batteries and inverter control. Those solutions have a part to play, but a new study suggests there is important work to be done upgrading local networks.

While electricity distributors emphasise the importance of seeing “behind the meter” to manage the impact of renewable energy on low voltage (LV) networks, a study published by ARENA suggests network upgrades are going to be more effective in the long term. [Read more…]

My ACCC Submission: The CEC Approved Retailer Scheme Is Not Voluntary & Is Anti-Competitive

ACCC - CEC Approved Solar Retailer Scheme

If you want to sell residential solar in Victoria or batteries in SA, CEC Approved Solar Retailer membership is de-facto mandatory.

The Australian Competition And Consumer Commission — ACCC for short — is seeking submissions on whether or not the Clean Energy Council’s Approved Solar Retailer scheme should be renewed. [Read more…]

Northern Territory Electricity Market Priority Reform Program

NT electricity market reforms

On Friday, the Northern Territory Government announced an electricity market reform program it says will address system security and reliability, encourage private investment and boost renewable energy. [Read more…]

More Solar Panels For Busways

Busways -solar energy

New South Wales bus operator Busways has expanded its solar capacity with a new system installed at its Kincumber depot near Gosford on the state’s Central Coast. [Read more…]

Cabonne Council Adopts Renewable Energy Action Plan 

Cabonne Council solar energy

Image: Mr. Rick

A renewable energy plan adopted by NSW’s Cabonne Council could result in rooftop solar installed on multiple Council facilities and/or multiple small solar farms popping up around the LGA. [Read more…]

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