Search Results for: coal ash

WA Coal Town Council Votes Against Saving With Solar Power

Installing solar panels could have saved Shire of Collie and its ratepayers a bucket of cash, but Council has voted against the idea. Why? Because Collie is a coal town. [Read more…]

Craig Kelly: Demonising Coal “An Act Of Treason”

Craig Kelly - Anti-coal treason

In the wee hours of this morning, Liberal backbencher Craig Kelly continued his attack on Australians opposed to coal, opining it was a crime against their country. [Read more…]

Craig Kelly On Anti-Renewables, Pro-Coal Warpath (Again)

Craig Kelly - pro-coal, anti-renewables

Craig Kelly image : Liberal Party Of Australia

Fools, liars, “eco-zealots” and “useful idiots” – some of the terms Liberal backbencher (and it seems energy expert) Craig Kelly has used in the past few days to describe renewable energy supporters. [Read more…]

Trump Wants To Prop Up Coal And Nuclear Power In The USA

Donald Trump

Image: geralt

U.S. President Donald Trump has decided to stop ailing coal and nuclear plants across the country from closing, much to the horror of the nation’s gas and renewable energy supporters. [Read more…]

Craig Kelly (Again) Applies Pressure To Slash Australia’s Solar Subsidy

Craig Kelly - Solar Subsidies

Craig Kelly | Image: NSW Liberals

Energy Minister Josh Frydenberg is being pressured by NSW Liberal MP Craig Kelly to act on reducing Australia’s solar subsidy, which could be relatively easily done by tinkering with an important mechanism. [Read more…]

Trump : “War On Beautiful, Clean Coal Over”

Donald Trump - beautiful clean coal

Image: MIH83

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder they say, but the words beautiful, clean and coal used together by U.S. President Donald Trump yesterday certainly raised a few eyebrows. [Read more…]

Want Hundreds Of Dollars Worth Of Cool Cash?  Buy An Energy Efficient Fridge


Ronald’s fridge yesterday.

Disaster has struck the Brakels household! And I’m not talking about a minor disaster like a son or daughter breaking a leg.

[Read more…]

Johns Hopkins University To Divest From Thermal Coal

One of the USA’s leading research universities, Johns Hopkins, has hopped on the coal divestment bandwagon after ongoing pressure from a student group. [Read more…]

More Trouble For Adani’s Australian Carmichael Coal Mine Project

Coal mining

Image: semevent

The coal-fired heat is being turned up on Adani – the question is, will the company finally choke on the toxic smoke being created and abandon its Carmichael coal mine plans? [Read more…]

As Summer Sizzles, Coal And Gas Power Wilts

Coal fired power station

Extreme heat presents the greatest threat to the security of electricity supply in eastern Australia states a new report published by the Australia Institute. [Read more…]

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