Search Results for: canberra

Elon Musk Holds “Cyber Rodeo” As Tesla Announce 127,785 Car Recall

Elon Musk - Tesla Cyber Rodeo

On Friday our time, Elon Musk rounded up his fans and workers in Texas and held a huge hoedown he called a Cyber Rodeo.  The get-together was to celebrate the opening of the Austin Tesla Gigafactory — the largest factory by volume in the world. [Read more…]

Solar Power Can Help Take The Sting Out Of Petrol Prices

Solar power and petrol prices

You don’t need to fork out a bunch of cash for an electric vehicle right now to mitigate the broad impacts of skyrocketing fuel prices. Install solar panels instead, and then you’ll also be better prepared for when EVs are more within reach. [Read more…]

ACT Solar Battery Rebate Installer Choice Expanded Again

Canberra solar battery rebate subsidy

The ACT Government’s Next Generation Energy Storage program is again offering more choice in battery retailers, with another 6 added to the approved list. [Read more…]

Can Solar Power Help Push Pokies Out Of Clubs?

Solar power for clubs in the ACT

A program in the ACT will help clubs reduce not only their emissions and energy bills, but also reliance on revenue from gaming machines. [Read more…]

Reduce Gas Use For Ukraine!

Help Ukraine by reducing gas use

Do you want to weaken Putin’s hand while making European nations more willing and able to cope with disruptions in their energy supply? 

Of course you do! One simple way to help Ukraine is to stop using gas.  

You can start immediately. [Read more…]

CDSCC Solar Energy Project Update

Canberra Deep Space Communication Complex solar project

A solar power project for the Canberra Deep Space Communication Complex (CDSCC) at Tidbinbilla in the ACT appears to be (very slowly) moving ahead. [Read more…]

Is Solar Still Worth It – If You Are Single?

Solar panels for single-person households - are they still worth it?

I’m So Lonely!  Will Solar Panels Fill The Aching Void In My Heart?  And Do I Have To Pay Them Folding Money?

If you ask me,

“Hey Ronald, should I get solar power?”

My answer will be, [Read more…]

Solar Panels On A South Facing Roof Can Pay Anywhere In Australia

South facing panels - worth it in Australia

TLDR: Can you put solar panels facing south in Australia? Hell yeah!

In 2010, when Australian rooftop solar power really started to take off, nearly every Australian solar system faced north to maximise energy yield.  But today, on an unshaded roof, panels facing any direction can pay for themselves.  This includes the ‘worst’ direction: south. [Read more…]

sonnenBatterie Evo. Finally! A Decent Battery From sonnen.

sonnenBatterie EVO battery review

The sonnenBatterie Evo. You could install it in the middle of a field – but think of the voltage-rise!

Just the other day, Finn was having a whinge about sonnen batteries.  He mentioned a few problems the current sonnenBatterie Eco has: [Read more…]

75% of Home Batteries Faulty In Long Term Battery Testing

Canberra Battery Test Centre just released Report #11 describing its third round of battery testing and the results.

I’ll give details below but, if you want a quick overview, I can tell you the new batteries didn’t do well.  Only 2 of the 8 battery brands tested worked as they were supposed to.   The rest had problems that ranged from temporary breakdowns to complete failure. [Read more…]

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