Search Results for: council

Battery Performance Standard Submitted To Standards Australia

Australian Solar Battery Performance Standard

DNV GL has announced a draft standard developed by the Australian Battery Performance Standard (ABPS) project has been submitted to Standards Australia for review. [Read more…]

My ACCC Submission: The CEC Approved Retailer Scheme Is Not Voluntary & Is Anti-Competitive

ACCC - CEC Approved Solar Retailer Scheme

If you want to sell residential solar in Victoria or batteries in SA, CEC Approved Solar Retailer membership is de-facto mandatory.

The Australian Competition And Consumer Commission — ACCC for short — is seeking submissions on whether or not the Clean Energy Council’s Approved Solar Retailer scheme should be renewed. [Read more…]

UNEP: Renewables “One Of The Smartest, Most Cost-Effective Investments”

COVID-19 economic recovery - renewable energy

Governments around the world are to inject huge amounts of money into their economies as part of the COVID-19 recovery process. A new report says plowing dollars into renewables rather than fossil fuels will buy more generation capacity than ever and provide stronger action on a major threat to the entire planet – climate change. [Read more…]

Multi-Million Dollar “Solar Trees” Project For Townsville

Solar Trees - Townsville

Solar Trees in Townsville – Artist’s Impression

An upcoming new attraction in Townsville powered by solar energy is, well, beauty is in the eye of the beholder as they say. [Read more…]

100% Renewable Electricity In City Of Stirling’s Sights

Solar energy - City of Stirling

Western Australia’s City of Stirling council is looking to source all its electricity from renewables by 2030 and slash overall corporate carbon emissions. [Read more…]

Frasers Solar Farm Facing Opposition

Frasers Solar Farm

A proposed solar farm in Victoria has met with a range of community concerns that have the support of Latrobe City Council. [Read more…]

More Community Hall Solar On The Cards In Horsham LGA

Community hall solar in Horsham LGA, Victoria

Victoria’s Horsham Rural City Council’s 2020-21 Draft Budget includes cash to put solar panels on more community halls within its boundaries. [Read more…]

Australian Rooftop Solar A Jobs Powerhouse

Solar workforce in Australia

A new report published by the Clean Energy Council states small scale solar power employed around 37% of Australia’s clean energy workforce last year. [Read more…]

Community Batteries Benefit The Grid More Says Latest Research

Community batteries - benefits

There is a middle ground between home and utility-scale batteries: the community battery. New research shows community batteries bring more benefit than individually owned energy storage systems.

The ACT government reckons there’s a gap between the household battery and grid-scale batteries: community batteries, either owned by or at least serving the needs of collectives of households. [Read more…]

University of Manchester To ‘Decarbonise’ Investments

University of Manchester divestment

The UK’s University of Manchester has announced it will dump investments in fossil fuel reserve and extraction companies – and take efforts a step further. [Read more…]

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