Search Results for: south australia

SA Boosts Backing For EVs, Home Batteries And Energy Efficiency

South Australia home battery scheme

On Friday, South Australia’s Marshall Government announced a bundle of bucks earmarked for emissions and electricity cost reduction efforts. [Read more…]

Batteries Key To Solar’s Future In A “Post-Peak” Market

Solar power in a post-peak market - Australia

Will solar sales soon go to the dogs without batteries? Image: Adelaide Solar Safe

Australia has seen a decade of explosive growth in renewables, but there’s another big change coming. According to Green Energy Trading chair Ric Brazzale, we’re very close to the peak of new rooftop solar PV. [Read more…]

SMA Inverters Will Meet SA’s Remote Disconnection Rules At No Extra Cost

SMA inverters and remote solar disconnect and reconnect in South Australia

If SA needs to hit the big red button and shut down rooftop solar installed after 28 September 2020, SMA inverters can comply – at no extra cost to the owner.

On Thursday I was invited to a webinar on SMA’s response to South Australia’s new solar inverter requirements.  It seems that SMA — the maker of Sunny Boy inverters — was on the ball as all their residential inverters are on SA’s approved installation list. [Read more…]

Solar Installations Back On Track In Melbourne

Solar panels in Melbourne

Huzzah! As of this morning, solar installations are able to go ahead in Melbourne – and metropolitan installers will be keen to get cracking. [Read more…]

Amber Electric’s SmartShift Can Sync Your Loads To Wholesale Electricity Prices

Amber Electric SmartShift

Maverick electricity retailer Amber Electric can automatically switch on your appliances when wholesale electricity prices are low or negative.

Years ago when people first started talking about exposing consumers to the wholesale electricity price, I thought it was a bad idea as I felt most households weren’t up to the challenge of managing the risk of price spikes. [Read more…]

IKEA Adelaide’s Solar + Storage Microgrid Project Progressing

IKEA Adelaide solar panels and battery system

Artist’s impression of IKEA Adelaide solar + storage installation

The first solar panels have been lifted on to the rooftop of IKEA’s retail outlet in Adelaide as part of a major solar power + battery storage microgrid project at the site. [Read more…]

New SA Inverter Rules Add $165 To Price Of SolarEdge Systems

Yesterday in SA solar met 100% of demand for a short time. Hence the need for remote solar shutdown. SolarEdge inverters have this capability. Image: Rob Morris

Yesterday in SA, solar met 100% of demand for a short period. Hence the need for remote curtailment of new solar. SolarEdge inverters can meet this requirement. Image: Rob Morris

Update 14th December 2020:  Good news!  SolarEdge has informed me they no longer charge an additional $165 to cover the cost of meeting South Australia’s new inverter requirements.  SolarEdge instead now absorbs the cost, which is obviously good news for anyone thinking of getting a SolarEdge system in SA.

On Thursday at 3:58 pm I was invited to a SolarEdge webinar that started at 4:00 pm.  I was glad to get the invite, but the lack of notice meant I missed out on the first 5 minutes because I didn’t have time to set up my laptop/internet properly beforehand.  This was very appropriate because the webinar was about how SolarEdge had responded to new South Australian solar inverter requirements that were rushed in before the industry had time to properly prepare.  [Read more…]

ARENA/SAPN Announce Flexible Solar Exports Trial

Flexible solar exports trial

A project seeking to help integrate more rooftop solar into Australia’s grid and increase export limits is about to kick off. [Read more…]

Eyre Peninsula Link Requested Funding Approved – Well, Most Of It

Eyre Peninsula Link

The Australian Energy Regulator (AER) has approved funding for a proposed new, high-voltage transmission line project for South Australia’s Eyre Peninsula – Eyre Peninsula Link. [Read more…]

Floating Solar + Hydropower’s Huge Potential

Floating solar + hydropower

Image: NREL

Adding floating solar panels to hydropower plant reservoirs has the technical potential to supply a significant chunk of the world’s electricity needs. [Read more…]

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