Search Results for: nsw

SA Concession Holders To Be Offered Solar Power Swap

Switch To Solar - South Australian Government

Eligible concession holders in South Australia will be offered a shiny new free solar power system under a $4.25 million Marshall Government program that involves a swap. [Read more…]

Scrap Your Old Solar System & High Feed-in Tariff For A Bigger & Better Return

Replacing or upgrading a solar power system

If you have a small, old system, replacing it with a bigger, more efficient modern system is worth serious consideration. Even if it means losing that premium feed-in-tariff you’ve enjoyed for all these years.

Do you have a faithful, old, 1.5 kilowatt solar system installed?

Has it sat on your roof churning photons into electrical energy for 10 years or more?

Has it earned you a heap of money because it gets an old, premium feed-in tariff far higher than anything available now? [Read more…]

Fossil Fuel Air Pollution Responsible For 18% Of Deaths Globally In 2018

Fossil fuel air pollution deaths

A study out of Harvard University estimates the number of deaths attributable to fine particle pollution generated by fossil fuel combustion is likely far higher than previously thought. [Read more…]

SolarQuotes TV Launch – Episode 1

Following on from the popular SolarQuotes vodcast series, Finn kicks off the first season of SolarQuotes TV. In this first episode: [Read more…]

Renewables Need More Long Distance Transmission. Low Interest Rates Can Make That Happen.

Renewable energy and long distance electricity transmission

Long-distance transmission sends electrical energy from where it’s generated to where it’s used.  If we had more of it, electricity prices would be lower, and the integration of solar and wind farms would be easier.  Thanks to record low-interest rates, more of it is exactly what we’re going to get.   [Read more…]

Solar Car Park For Lismore

Solar power - Lismore City Council

Solar panels will soon be providing shade and clean power over the New South Wales city of Lismore’s Clyde Campbell Carpark.

[Read more…]

SA’s Wholesale Electricity Prices Now Lowest In Nation Thanks To Renewables

South Australia has the cheapest wholesale electricity.

South Australia’s gone from embarrassingly expensive to the cheapest wholesale electricity in just 10 years.

Over the past 12 months wholesale electricity prices have tumbled across Australia.  For the nation overall, they’re the lowest they’ve been for nine years.  But one state did particularly well and a large part of its success was because it now generates over 60% of its electricity from wind and solar. [Read more…]

Nationals’ Latest Coal Power Push Challenged By Liberal MP

Senator Matt Canavan and coal

Senator Matt Canavan via Facebook

The National Party’s Backbench Policy Committee released its Manufacturing 2035 plan on Tuesday – it was no surprise to see coal mentioned. [Read more…]

Are Solar Bins Possum Killers?

Possums and solar bins

Wildlife welfare concerns have been raised over a potential trial of solar powered compacting bins by New South Wales’ Blue Mountains City Council. [Read more…]

Evee: A Website For Renting Other People’s Teslas In Australia

Renting a Tesla electric vehicle with Evee

Evee is a website that rents out Teslas but does not own any Tesla electric cars…

Recently I rented a Tesla Model 3 through an online service called Evee.  I had a really great time just driving around, sightseeing, and engaging in criminal activity. [Read more…]

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