Search Results for: nsw

Don’t Let Retailers Force You On To Time-Of-Use Tariffs When You Go Solar

Are time of use tariffs compulsory when installing solar panels?

There are 16 different electricity distribution networks in Australia. Don’t let them (or retailers) try and force you on a time-of-use tariff when you go solar.

When you get solar panels installed, your old electricity meter is replaced with a smart meter.  Unless you already have one.    

This isn’t a bad thing in itself, as smart meters provide some advantages.  But there is a problem if installing a smart meter is used as an excuse to foist a time-of-use (TOU) tariff on people who would rather not have one. [Read more…]

Solar Power In Tasmania: How To Triumph Despite Higher Prices & Lower Output

Solar panels - Tasmania

A solar power system in Tasmania. Pic: Scott Logie

If you are lucky enough to live in Tasmania, I have some bad news:

Using solar panels to get low bills is more challenging than on the mainland. 

But I also bring good news: [Read more…]

UN Chief: Cancel All Coal Power Projects – Globally

UN Secretary-General António Guterres on coal power

UN Secretary-General António Guterres has again called for an end to what he called the world’s deadly addiction to coal. [Read more…]

How Much Solar Can You Install In The Endeavour Energy Network Area?

Installing solar panels in NSW's Endeavour Energy Network Area

If you want to find out how much solar power capacity Endeavour Energy will let you install, don’t go to their website. It’s hopeless. Their phone support, however, is excellent.

Update July 1st 2021: After a commenter kindly informed me Endeavour does not require export limiting on properties with 3 phase power I wrote to Origin to clarify this and they confirmed in (email) writing, “That is correct, there is no export limit on 3 phase systems.”  While different from information I was given 4 months ago over the phone, I am confident this is correct.

A few days ago I received an email from a reader saying it appeared NSW’s Endeavour Energy had altered the amount of solar they allow to be connected to the grid.  Because this was relevant to my interests, I immediately went to the Endeavour Energy site to see what size solar systems could be installed.  Unfortunately, I immediately became confused. [Read more…]

Victorian Minimum Feed-in Tariff Rates Drop From July 1

Victoria solar feed in tariff

While Victoria’s minimum feed in tariff rates will reduce from the beginning of July this year, solar panels will remain a solid investment. [Read more…]

Public Submission Period Kicks Off For Warral Solar Farm

Warral Solar Farm

Image: Google Earth

Another small utility-scale solar energy project for NSW’s Tamworth Regional Council local government area recently commenced its public comment period – Warral Solar Farm. [Read more…]

Renewables Help Achieve Lowest Wholesale Electricity Prices In Years

Renewables and wholesale electricity prices

Wholesale electricity prices in the National Electricity Market last year were at their lowest since 2015 says the Australian Energy Regulator. [Read more…]

Barnaby Wants CEFC To Invest In Coal Power

Barnaby Joyce, coal and the CEFC

During a House of Representatives debate yesterday on proposed changes to how the Clean Energy Finance Corporation (CEFC) can invest, Barnaby Joyce stated his case for coal power to be included. [Read more…]

DA Lodged For Kootingal Solar Farm

Kootingal solar farm

A development application for a proposed small utility-scale solar farm pretty much on the doorstep of a town near Tamworth in New South Wales has been submitted to Tamworth Regional Council. [Read more…]

Commbank Announces Green Loan For Solar Power

Commbank green loan

CBA, Commbank, Commonwealth Bank of Australia or whatever you want to call it has announced an upcoming very low interest green loan that can be used to finance the purchase of a solar power system. [Read more…]

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