Search Results for: victoria

Snowy Hydro 2.0: More Expensive Than Battery Storage

Snowy 2 vs. solar and batteries

Batteries beat Snowy Hydro 2.0 on cost – Sound crazy? Read on…

In the Snowy Mountains, a monumental machine has begun to carve its way into the earth creating a giant tunnel for what will be one of the world’s largest pumped hydro energy storage systems.  The Snowy Hydro 2.0 scheme is so ambitious politicians may be legally required to wear two hard hats when posing for photo ops. [Read more…]

Call For Net Zero Emissions In Australian Healthcare

Australian healthcare and carbon emissions

The Australian Medical Association (AMA) and Doctors for the Environment Australia (DEA) want to see Australia’s healthcare sector slash its carbon emissions 80 per cent by 2030 and achieve net zero by 2040. [Read more…]

Yallourn Power Station Closure Inquiry Announced

Yallourn Power Station closure inquiry

Yallourn Power Station | Image via Google

Victoria’s Economy and Infrastructure Committee is to delve into the economic impacts of the early closure of Yallourn Power Station. [Read more…]

Don’t Let Retailers Force You On To Time-Of-Use Tariffs When You Go Solar

Are time of use tariffs compulsory when installing solar panels?

There are 16 different electricity distribution networks in Australia. Don’t let them (or retailers) try and force you on a time-of-use tariff when you go solar.

When you get solar panels installed, your old electricity meter is replaced with a smart meter.  Unless you already have one.    

This isn’t a bad thing in itself, as smart meters provide some advantages.  But there is a problem if installing a smart meter is used as an excuse to foist a time-of-use (TOU) tariff on people who would rather not have one. [Read more…]

Angus, About The Yallourn Power Station Reliability Thing

Angus Taylor - Yallourn Power Station closure

Yallourn image: Marcus Wong

Federal Minister for Energy and Emissions Reduction Angus Taylor was quick to try and set folks on edge after the announcement Victoria’s Yallourn Power Station will be retired in mid-2028. [Read more…]

SuniTAFE Scores Digital Farmhand

Digital Farmhand with solar panels

It’s not clear if the Victorian Government’s grant covered the purchase of the solar model, but SuniTAFE has acquired an Australian designed and produced agricultural robot called The Digital Farmhand. [Read more…]

Solar Power In Tasmania: How To Triumph Despite Higher Prices & Lower Output

Solar panels - Tasmania

A solar power system in Tasmania. Pic: Scott Logie

If you are lucky enough to live in Tasmania, I have some bad news:

Using solar panels to get low bills is more challenging than on the mainland. 

But I also bring good news: [Read more…]

AEMC Introducing New Solar Inverter Standards

AEMC solar inverter standards

Where South Australia has already gone with some solar inverter standards, most other states will follow by the end of this year. [Read more…]

Springvale South Solar Farm Saga Update

Springvale South solar farm

A proposal to construct a solar farm in a Melbourne suburb is continuing to face significant opposition from within the local community. [Read more…]

Morwell Power Station Chimneys Toppled

Morwell Power Station chimneys demolished

Image: EBAC Demolition

The two remaining chimney stacks at the former Morwell Power Station (Energy Brix Power Station) in Victoria were successfully brought down on Saturday morning. [Read more…]

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