Search Results for: victoria

Victorian EV Subsidy Update

Victoria's electric car subsidy

It’s been 11 months since Victoria’s Andrews Government launched its Zero Emissions Vehicle (ZEV) Subsidy – so how are things tracking with the program? [Read more…]

Victorian Government Wants More Women Working In Solar

Solar careers for women

Solar Victoria’s Growing Our Clean Energy Workforce initiative is focusing on lifting participation of women in the state’s renewable energy industry. [Read more…]

Another Haircut For Victoria’s Solar Feed-In Tariff

Victoria's feed in tariff

Maximising solar energy self-consumption will become even more attractive in Victoria, with a lower minimum solar feed-in tariff kicking in from July 1. [Read more…]

Victoria’s Goulburn-Murray Water Commits To 100% Renewables

Goulburn-Murray Water - renewable energy

Another Australian water utility is turning to renewable energy technologies including solar power to lighten its electricity-related carbon footprint. [Read more…]

Victoria Readying For Next Stage Of Net Zero Emissions Goal

Victoria - net zero emissions

Victoria’s Andrews Government has recruited an expert panel to advise on an interim reduction target for 2035 as the state heads towards a goal of net zero emissions by 2050. [Read more…]

Victorian Embedded Networks Review Complete

Embedded networks review - Victoria

An end to new residential embedded electricity networks – but with a renewable energy exemption – and reform of existing networks are a step closer in Victoria. [Read more…]

Solar Victoria Virtual Power Plant Pilot Program Launch

Solar Victoria VPP pilot - solar battery rebate

Victoria’s Solar Homes Program battery rebate stream has expanded to offer a boosted Virtual Power Plant (VPP) option. [Read more…]

Victoria’s Solar Feed-In Tariff Review

Victoria feed-in tariff 2022/23

Victoria’s Essential Services Commission is reviewing the minimum solar feed-in tariff payable to system owners for the solar energy they export to the grid – and has released its draft decision. [Read more…]

Environment Victoria Pulls Pin On Powershop Partnership

Environment Victoria and Powershop

Fossil fuel major Shell’s acquisition of clean and green electricity retailer Powershop has resulted in Environment Victoria dropping its Powershop partnership like a hot potato. [Read more…]

Victorian Solar For Public Buildings Rollout Update

VIC solar panels on public buildings

The Victorian Government’s Solar on Public Buildings program has seen dozens of solar installations completed, and dozens more to come. [Read more…]

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