Search Results for: liddell power station

Abbott Backs ACCC’s Call For Solar Subsidy Axing

Tony Abbott - solar subsidies

Tony Abbott | Image: via Facebook

Shock, horror. Tony Abbott has embraced the ACCC’s recommendation to axe Australia’s solar subsidy early. [Read more…]

Craig Kelly On Anti-Renewables, Pro-Coal Warpath (Again)

Craig Kelly - pro-coal, anti-renewables

Craig Kelly image : Liberal Party Of Australia

Fools, liars, “eco-zealots” and “useful idiots” – some of the terms Liberal backbencher (and it seems energy expert) Craig Kelly has used in the past few days to describe renewable energy supporters. [Read more…]

Craig Kelly Is Wrong: Electric Cars Are Better For The Environment Than Petrol Ones

Craig Kelly on electric cars

Craig Kelly Is Either Illiterate, Incompetent, or Machiavellian.  But I’m pretty sure it’s the middle one.

Toyota Prius Beats Nissan Leaf And Tesla S On CO2 Emissions In Australia

It has become clear to me there is some confusion over whether electric cars offer an environmental benefit in this country.  Craig Kelly, who is an extremely honorable Member of Parliament, has told the nation they result in more greenhouse emissions than conventional petrol cars.

If you are standing up while reading this you may want to sit down due to your shock when I tell you Craig Kelly is actually wrong on this. [Read more…]

Politics Holding Back Australia’s Energy Transition

Powering a 21st Century Economy

Australia’s transition to a grid powered by renewable energy and supported by storage is only being held back by ongoing climate and energy policy deadlock states a new Climate Council report.

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22,000 Potential Pumped Hydro Storage Sites Identified Across Australia

pumped hydro storage potential in Australia

Potential pumped hydro sites | Image: Australian National University

Researchers at ANU say 22,000+ potential pumped hydro sites they have identified across Australia represent storage capacity of 67,000 gigawatt-hours (GWh), far more than the nation requires to support a reliable 100% renewable energy based electricity system.

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Will It Be A Clean Or Coal Energy Target?

Dirty energy target

Australia may be heading for a dirty energy target | Image : Pavlofox

The Clean Energy Target (CET) appears to be at risk of becoming somewhat of a Coal Energy Target – and the CEC has expressed serious concern.

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Tesla Megapacks Included in NSW’s Latest Giant Battery Approvals

close up of a Tesla Megapack

Tesla Megapacks – like these will be installed near Muswellbrook, NSW. The Aplsey battery manufacturer is TBC.

Two more grid-scale battery projects have been approved in NSW renewable energy zones. [Read more…]

Is Solar Still Worth It – If You Are Single?

Solar panels for single-person households - are they still worth it?

I’m So Lonely!  Will Solar Panels Fill The Aching Void In My Heart?  And Do I Have To Pay Them Folding Money?

If you ask me,

“Hey Ronald, should I get solar power?”

My answer will be, [Read more…]

Central Coast Council Charging Ahead With Electric Cars

Electric vehicles - Central Coast Council

NSW’s Central Coast Council is putting the the pedal to the metal in acquiring battery and hybrid electric vehicles – with more to come. [Read more…]

NSW Inquiry Tackles Coal Ash Issue

Coal ash in New South Wales

Image: Bayswater Power Station Coal Ash Dam | Source: Hunter Community Environment Centre

A NSW Parliamentary Inquiry has delivered a report recognising coal ash is a toxic waste product that needs better regulation and utilisation. [Read more…]

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