Search Results for: coal ash

Coal, Gas, Nuclear – What A Fracked Up Week In Australia

Coal, gas and nuclear power in Australia

Adani’s coal mine another step closer, fracking to kick off in the NT (WA soon too?) and our energy minister hasn’t shut the door on nuclear power. Thank <insert choice of deity here> it’s Friday. [Read more…]

NPI Report Highlights Need For Coal Power Pollution Crackdown

Environmental Justice Australia states this year’s National Pollutant Inventory report results strengthens the case for getting tough on air pollution created by the nation’s coal-fired clunkers. [Read more…]

More Solar Pledges From NSW Coalition And Labor

Labor vs. Coalition - solar energy

In New South Wales, the Coalition and Labor have sweetened the pot in the leadup to this Saturday’s election in a bid to attract more solar-supporting voters. [Read more…]

Australian Coal Power Will Be Quickly Killed By Low Cost Renewables

Coal being pushed out by wind and solar power

Low Cost Renewables Will Soon Drive Coal Power Out Of The Market

Last month the entire country sweltered under an oppressive heatwave — except the half known as Western Australia.  As air conditioner power consumption soared on the 25th, 40% of Victoria’s coal generators failed followed by rolling blackouts. When faced with this incontrovertible evidence of coal’s unreliability, the government dedicated itself to the rapid phaseout of coal under its “affordable, reliable 24/7 power” program.

Sorry, only kidding.  What they actually did was offer to pay the debts of new coal power stations that go bust. [Read more…]

Noosa Council Slashing Emissions And Electricity Costs With Solar

Solar power in Noosa Shire

Image: Noosa Council

Queensland’s Noosa Council says it has installed 252 kilowatts of on-site solar power capacity across six of its facilities in the past five months. [Read more…]

Why Spending $100m On Coal To Hydrogen Project Is Stupid

coal to hydrogen madness

Dumb and Dumber: Federal and Victorian governments spending $50 million each on Japanese coal to hydrogen project.

The Federal and Victorian Governments are spending $100 million building a Japanese coal to hydrogen demonstration plant.  That’s $50 million each.  Before any of you get upset at the cost, I’ll mention I originally thought it was $500 million, so we’re already $400 million better off than I thought we were a few hours ago.  At this rate I’m sure coal to hydrogen will be making money for the average Australian in no time.  And in other news, monkeys may fly out of my butt. [Read more…]

Plan To Make Export And Burning Of Thermal Coal Illegal In Australia

Australian coal ban

The Australian Greens are to introduce a bill that if passed would make it unlawful to dig, burn or ship thermal coal after 2030. [Read more…]

Bylong Coal Mine May Proceed

IPCC report be damned. The NSW Government is pushing ahead with approving a major coal mine at Bylong. [Read more…]

Victorian Government To Splash Out More Cash For Microgrids

Latrobe Valley microgrid program

The Andrews Labor Government has announced a new $3 million grant program in the Latrobe Valley to support the development of microgrids that benefit local business/industry customers. [Read more…]

2/3 Of Australians Agree More Renewables Will Slash Electricity Prices

Renewables vs. coal - Australia

Image: hpgruesen

In the battle for hearts and minds of Australians with regard to the nation’s energy future, renewables are still the victor according to the results of a recent Reachtel Poll. [Read more…]

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