Search Results for: council

Solar Power In Tasmania: How To Triumph Despite Higher Prices & Lower Output

Solar panels - Tasmania

A solar power system in Tasmania. Pic: Scott Logie

If you are lucky enough to live in Tasmania, I have some bad news:

Using solar panels to get low bills is more challenging than on the mainland. 

But I also bring good news: [Read more…]

Victorian Neighbourhood Battery Initiative, Community Power Hubs Open

Solar and battery storage in Victoria

Image: DELWP

The application periods for the Victorian Government’s $3 million Neighbourhood Battery Initiative (NBI) and $3.3 million expanded Community Power Hubs program are now open. [Read more…]

Public Submission Period Kicks Off For Warral Solar Farm

Warral Solar Farm

Image: Google Earth

Another small utility-scale solar energy project for NSW’s Tamworth Regional Council local government area recently commenced its public comment period – Warral Solar Farm. [Read more…]

Springvale South Solar Farm Saga Update

Springvale South solar farm

A proposal to construct a solar farm in a Melbourne suburb is continuing to face significant opposition from within the local community. [Read more…]

Morwell Power Station Chimneys Toppled

Morwell Power Station chimneys demolished

Image: EBAC Demolition

The two remaining chimney stacks at the former Morwell Power Station (Energy Brix Power Station) in Victoria were successfully brought down on Saturday morning. [Read more…]

NSW Government Makes Going Solar Simpler For Strata Owners 

Solar for strata buildings in New South Wales

New amendments passed in NSW’s Parliament on Tuesday will make it easier to install solar panels, batteries and other renewable energy technologies on strata buildings. [Read more…]

DA Lodged For Kootingal Solar Farm

Kootingal solar farm

A development application for a proposed small utility-scale solar farm pretty much on the doorstep of a town near Tamworth in New South Wales has been submitted to Tamworth Regional Council. [Read more…]

Clean Energy Finance Corporation Invests In Ingenia Communities

CEFC and Ingenia

Ingenia Communities Group has secured a $75 million debt facility with the Clean Energy Finance Corporation (CEFC) for carbon reduction and energy initiatives. [Read more…]

Climate Change And Renewable Energy Attitudes In Victoria

Renewable energy and climate change attitudes in Victoria

A majority of Victorians want to see even more investment in renewable energy and remain concerned about climate change according to a recent survey. [Read more…]

Sunways Solar Inverters Arriving In Australia Soon

Sunways solar inverters and Suntech Australia

It won’t be long before there will be yet another solar inverter choice available in Australia – Sunways, which is being launched here exclusively through Suntech Australia. [Read more…]

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