Search Results for: western australia

Bob Brown and solar energy: the Senator’s real legacy

Bob Brown Loves Renewable Energy

Bob Brown – photo credit flickr:james_tCA

As Greens leader Senator Bob Brown bowed gracefully out of politics this week, news of the latest milestone in the construction of Australia’s largest solar farm shows he is leaving Australian politics a far more supportive place for solar energy than he found it.

Despite some sniping from political enemies both in and out of Parliament (including a predictable diatribe from a well-known Opposition wingnut saying that Senator Brown’s legacy will be the carbon tax), opinion from commentators was that he was that rare political animal: an honest representative with a clear vision. This was particularly so on renewable energy. [Read more…]

What is solar tower technology?

News that the Perth-based renewable energy company Hyperion Energy is planning to build a solar tower in mid-west Western Australia sent your correspondent scurrying to the research files this week.

According to the company website, Hyperion have purchased a 127,000 hectare site near the town of Tuckanarra. The site is near mines and an airport and is judged to have a low risk of natural disasters such as earthquakes or cyclones. Chiefly though, the main advantage of the site for the location of a solar tower is the “horizon solar radiation of 2300MJ/m2” (read huge), according to the company.

The theory behind the solar tower technology sounds simple enough. A flat, large expanse of a greenhouse-like material is spread around the base of a tall tower. When the sun heats the air under the material it rises (remember your science?) and as such has only one place where it can go: the central solar tower (see diagram). The hot air is forced through the narrow space of the tower where it causes a wind which turns a number of turbines inside the tower.


Diagram showing how a solar tower works.

Hyperion points to three key advantages of solar tower technology over other forms of tapping the sun’s energy.

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Will the Carbon Tax Boost Large-Scale Solar Projects?

The debate over whether or not a carbon tax will be effective has split families, pitched neighbour against neighbour, divided loyalties and torn our nation asunder.

Well not exactly, but a real blockbusting start to this week’s column you have to admit!

On a serious note, the question many SolarQuotes readers would like answered about the carbon tax goes something like the following. Will the carbon tax (assuming the legislation is passed) bring any benefit to the solar power industry in Australia? [Read more…]

Is WA’s Support of Solar Utilities at the Expense of Domestic Projects?

When we think of Western Australia we generally consider mining booms, expanded gas projects, black swans and the West Coast Eagles football team (and Dennis Lillee and Rod Marsh for those of us with age on our side).

But as an Australian leader in solar technology? After a recent government decision to close down its solar feed in tariff scheme because of its (wait for it) popularity, the expected answer would generally be no. However recent developments in the West have shown government-owned corporations partnering up with the private sector to lead the state down the path of potentially being one of the country’s leading exponents of renewable energy.

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How To Reinforce Skinny Rural SWER Connections With Solar Batteries

So you’ve made the tree change, shifted to the dream country block or taken over the farm now Dad has retired. While the peace and quiet is great, the fringe of grid power can prove problematic.
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Canberra’s Mega Battery Hits Snag: Connection Delayed to Next Year

Neoen's capital battery under construction in December 2022

Neoen’s grid-scale battery planned for Canberra is built, but it will take until next year for it to be connected, due to delays in compliance testing. Known as ‘Capital Battery’, the battery packs are manufactured by CATL and can support 20% of ACT’s peak summer demand. [Read more…]

10 Lessons In History That Tell Us Electric Vehicles Are Here To Stay

EV adoption history lesson

The widespread adoption of electric vehicles in Australia is not without challenges, one of which is overcoming resistance to change. It seems that no matter how credible the case for EV adoption is, there is always a chorus of naysayers in the background trying to undermine the consensus. [Read more…]

Why Network Capacity Will Make or Break Your EV Charger Plans

Home EV chargers and network capacity

With the electric vehicle revolution kicking into gear, it’s time to talk about why getting your energy infrastructure sorted sooner rather than later is a smart move. [Read more…]

Solar Batteries Without Solar Panels? No Sun, No Problem.

Solar batteries charging from the grid

Solar panels and batteries might sound like a match made in energy heaven, but some people install batteries without solar panels. What gives? [Read more…]

Transgrid Pumps Millions into Training Powerline Construction Workers

powerline constructors at work

Transgrid has cited the transition to renewables as one reason for launching a multi-million-dollar training initiative. [Read more…]

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