Solar Quotes Blog

Don’t Install Solar…Until You’ve Read This

Don’t buy that solar system until you have at least done the most basic energy efficiency upgrades…

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Grid Connection of your solar system: should you organise it yourself?

Some pitfalls that can be encountered when connecting your solar system to the grid.

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Everything You Need To Know About Solar (Grid Connect) Inverters

Inverter Circuit

A detailed look (in plain English!) at how inverters work. Learn how a solar grid connected inverter performs its crucial functions of: Converting DC to AC, transforming the voltage, keeping you safe, exporting to the grid and last, but not least maximising the power from your panels.

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How Important Is Efficiency When Choosing A Solar Panel?

Mounting a solar panel to allow "backside irradiance"

Is panel efficiency the only thing that matters when deciding which solar panel to buy?

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Why Electricity Prices Are Rising…?

Click the image to enlarge… (it’s worth it!)

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Which Electricity Company pays the most for your solar electricity?

Update: Feb 27 2015: Please note the date on this blog post is October 2010 – so the information is out of date. The best way to find good electricity tariff deals for solar owners in 2015 is the surprisingly good government website: Go to that website, click on the red ‘residential’ button, enter your postcode, […]

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Is this the daftest solar power promotion in Australia?

Watching the late movie on TV last night the most ridiculous ad for solar power I have ever seen came on. I nearly fell off my sofa when I saw that if you buy a 1.5kW solar system from these guys, they’ll throw in a ‘free’ 50″ plasma TV. Large Plasma TV’s are, of course, the […]

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Daily Telegraph gets on its high horse about Solar Power and Electricity prices

I’ve been in Sydney for a couple of days (including a really interesting tour of Silex Solar’s impressive Solar Panel factory at Olympic Park). I picked up the Daily Telegraph in the hotel this morning to see the front page screaming about electricity prices. According to the paper, the only person who can bring NSW […]

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ACT announces improved Feed In Tariff

The ACT Feed In Tariff has been improved. Hooray.

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Solar Installer Reviews now live

Solar Installer Reviews now Live on

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