Latest solar panel test from German testing house.
[Continue reading…]There are a bewildering array of solar panel brands out there. How do you sort the wheat from the solar chaff?
My advice is go thru the spec sheet for each panel and judge them on the following top 10 solar panel selection criteria.
[Continue reading…]All solar panels should come with both a “power output warranty” and a “material warranty”. What is the difference and how do you make sure they will give you the protection you need?
[Continue reading…]Don’t buy that solar system until you have at least done the most basic energy efficiency upgrades…
[Continue reading…]Some pitfalls that can be encountered when connecting your solar system to the grid.
[Continue reading…]A detailed look (in plain English!) at how inverters work. Learn how a solar grid connected inverter performs its crucial functions of: Converting DC to AC, transforming the voltage, keeping you safe, exporting to the grid and last, but not least maximising the power from your panels.
[Continue reading…]Is panel efficiency the only thing that matters when deciding which solar panel to buy?
[Continue reading…]Update: Feb 27 2015: Please note the date on this blog post is October 2010 – so the information is out of date. The best way to find good electricity tariff deals for solar owners in 2015 is the surprisingly good government website: www.energymadeeasy.gov.au Go to that website, click on the red ‘residential’ button, enter your postcode, […]
[Continue reading…]
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