Solar Quotes Blog

Solar Panel Scheme : terminated and to cost taxpayers $440 million

Since 2000, the the Solar Homes and Communities Plan started out as the Photovoltaic Rebate Program offering $4,000. The program was changed in 2007 and was receiving by then an average 153 applications per week. As part of the Rudd Government’s election commitments, the program was allocated $150 million to provide increased rebates of up […]

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Pollies Agree on Something Shock! Solar Credits almost ready to go…

“Solar Credits” is the name given to the Australian government’s latest solar subsidy for homeowners, businesses and community groups. It was passed into law on 20th August 2009. Now we are just waiting for the process by which solar buyers can actually apply and receive the solar rebate to be finalised. This has been promised […]

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Solar Credits May Become Law This Week?!?

The corpse of the solar rebate scheme shows signs of life…

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Do you trust your electricity supplier?

Before you invest in solar power, be sure that you know exactly what your local electricity company will pay you for any exported energy.  The good utilities will pay you the Feed In Tariff rate (if your state has one) PLUS the standard rate per kwh. The meanie ones will just pay you the FIT […]

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Solar Power Isn’t Perfect (but it’s still worth it!)

Making solar panels requires old-fashioned coal-fired power The city of Bay City, Michigan has an interest in solar power, and in this article ( the pros and cons of using this alternative form of clean energy are dissected and stacked against one another to determine whether solar power is really the best way forward for […]

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New Ways To Finance Residential Solar Power Systems

Options for financing solar power systems.

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Solar Payback Calculators Launched

How long will it take a solar power system to pay for itself? What will my next bill be with solar? How will electricity price increases affect the payback? What about the Feed In Tariffs? Is it a good idea to put the cost of the solar system on my mortgage? What about one of […]

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Massive Solar Power Plant For Australia

According to the Reuters News Service, “Australia is going to build the world’s largest solar energy plant.”The solar energy plant will cost about 1.4 billion dollars to complete and the project should be in its earliest stages by 2010.

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Recycling and Solar Panels

No-one knows how long a solar panel should last – currently, some are over 30 years old and still working well. However, it is anticipated that an increasing number will need to be replaced. In today’s worldwide drive to save energy wherever possible, it would be better to recycle.

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World’s First 100% Solar City in Florida?

An extremely ambitious plan in the United States to create what has been described as the world’s first solar-powered city has, perhaps unsurprisingly, already run into a great many problems.

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