Solar Quotes Blog

Subsidies in Frame as Silex Ends Local Solar Cell Manufacture

By Rich Bowden Solar industry news in NSW this week has been dominated by the announcement by Silex Solar, the last company to manufacture solar cells in this country, that it will discontinue the production of locally made cells. (Note the solar cells are the black, round, saucer sized, plates of silicon, which make up […]

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China Plan To Whip Australia’s Ass in Domestic Solar Investment

Whilst many Australian state governments dither over the solar feed-in-tariff (FIT) issue, China has come charging out of the changing sheds recently with a brand new, highly-polished, national feed-in-tariff system. They are kicking the world’s ass when it comes to high value manufacturing (where was your iPad made?) and now it looks like they are […]

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How to Spot a Solar Cowboy

By Rich Bowden OK so you’re almost ready to make that big decision to install solar panels to save on your sky rocketing power bills while doing your bit for the environment. But, mindful of recent poorly-regulated installation disasters (who remembers the Pink Batts saga?) you’re leery of the same type of dodgy operators who […]

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BP Solar Stops Making Residential Solar Panels

bp solar

By Rich Bowden: The news that BP Solar will close its global distribution for residential solar panels and related PV products in favour of large scale projects has raised eyebrows amongst solar analysts throughout the world. The announcement came after the company had been in the business of marketing PV products for thirty years, making […]

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What Odds a Clean Energy Future for Australia?

By Rich Bowden Two points of interest for SolarQuotes readers raised by the federal government this week over the future of energy in this country, one by the embattled PM and the other by her Climate Change Minister (and some would say a possible successor) Greg Combet. It was the PM who got the solar […]

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Big Solar in Box Seat After Carbon Tax Announcement

This week’s big ticket news item for the solar industry and its consumers was the fillip given to the sector by the federal government’s long-awaited carbon tax announcement. While there is some debate over whether or not the carbon price announced last weekend will go far enough to achieve its primary purpose (i.e. significantly decrease […]

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Australian Researchers Break World Record for Solar Panel Efficiency

By Rich Bowden Now this is the sort of news your correspondent likes to deliver. After weeks of wading through government reversals on solar feed-in tariffs, reporting on the various sniping at the edges of the solar industry and talking about savage cuts from state and federal governments affecting the Australian renewables sector, here […]

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Uncertainty for SA Solar Industry as Parliament Rejects Feed-in Tariff Increase

By Rich Bowden South Australian investors in rooftop solar energy have been left shaking their heads after events in the state capital this week saw the solar feed-in tariff retained at 44c instead of the promised increase to 54c.

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Solar Subsidies : Let’s get the facts straight

Despite running a popular Solar Power website, whose revenue is seriously helped by generous Federal and State solar subsidies, it may surprise you to learn that I’m not a huge fan of government subsidy in any shape or form. Mainly because I have worked for the government and seen how inefficient they really are. Trust […]

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What to Really Expect at the Second NSW Solar Summit

Solar Muppet

By Rich Bowden This week’s announcement by NSW Energy Minister Chris Hartcher that the Second NSW Solar Summit, to be held in Newcastle on July 1, will provide a “…key pathway to managing the development of the renewable energy industry in a consistent and sustainable manner,” brought a smile to my face. For wasn’t it […]

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