Solar Quotes Blog

Tassie comes in from the cold

Vast solar arrays in the middle of our hot baking deserts or mainland cities awash with solar panels are generally considered the most efficient way to soak up the abundant sun for energy in our country. In terms of suitability for solar farms in this wide, brown land of ours, the mind definitely points to […]

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What Races Like the World Solar Challenge Mean for the Future

All eyes are on the victors and their vehicles as the Japanese solar car from Tokai University cruises over the finish line to take out the 2011 Darwin to Adelaide World Solar Challenge. Much like the Melbourne Cup, the winning teams and owners are interviewed, their conveyances hailed as wonders of the modern age and […]

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Carbon Tax: Between a Snog and a Hard Place

Unless you’ve taken up residence under a rock somewhere in one of our sun-bleached deserts, you’ll be aware that the House of Representatives successfully passed the government’s controversial carbon legislation earlier this week. The minority Gillard government punted the bills through the Lower House with the support of the Independents to the delight of renewable […]

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Large-Scale vs Domestic: Where Should the Dosh Go?

The federal government has been accused of dragging its feet on solar energy (and renewable energy in general) in comparison to more dynamic regions such as North Asia, Europe and the United States. Innovative and well-targeted government support in these countries has seen the increased takeup of solar power and a boom in their respective […]

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Carbon Tax and Government Support – the Other Side of the Coin

Last week we examined the point of view of academic Mark Diesendorf who stated that the much villified carbon tax will probably be insufficient to encourage renewable energy investment in Australia. This week we look at the opposing view and find that overseas renewable energy companies are indeed putting their hands in their pockets to […]

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What is wrong with this advert?

How do they get away with this!?! Tell us what is very wrong with this advert… Your answers in the comments or on our Facebook page please!

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Will the Carbon Tax Boost Large-Scale Solar Projects?

The debate over whether or not a carbon tax will be effective has split families, pitched neighbour against neighbour, divided loyalties and torn our nation asunder. Well not exactly, but a real blockbusting start to this week’s column you have to admit! On a serious note, the question many SolarQuotes readers would like answered about […]

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Clean Energy Council Puts Roadmap in Government’s Solar Glovebox

By Rich Bowden It’s a no-brainer right? Australia is one of the most blessed countries in the world with regard to availability of solar power and solar intensity. We, along with the United States, are considered to have the greatest potential for the exploitation of solar energy in the world. So why has domestic policy […]

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Is WA’s Support of Solar Utilities at the Expense of Domestic Projects?

When we think of Western Australia we generally consider mining booms, expanded gas projects, black swans and the West Coast Eagles football team (and Dennis Lillee and Rod Marsh for those of us with age on our side). But as an Australian leader in solar technology? After a recent government decision to close down its […]

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Japan Looks to Renewables in Wake of Nuclear Disaster

By Rich Bowden All eyes are on the Land of the Rising Sun as the country, still reeling from the effects of the March 11 Fukushima nuclear disaster, looks to build a renewable energy future to reshape its energy needs. Prime Minister Naoto Kan (soon to be former Prime Minister Naoto Kan) has, in the […]

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