Solar Quotes Blog

AC Solar Panels (microinverters) : The #1 Solar Trend to watch for in 2012?

An AC Solar Panel converts sunlight to AC electricity at the solar panel.

Will 2012 be the year of the AC Solar Panel? Before answering that question I should probably explain exactly what an AC Solar Panel is…   What is an AC Solar Panel? The short answer is: An AC Solar Panel is a solar panel that takes sunlight in and spits AC (Alternating Current) electricity out. […]

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Solar Power: Finally Cheaper Than Diesel For Rural Indian Microgrids

Ever stopped to think how solar power can help rural and remote communities across the globe? A study by cleantech research company Pike Research has predicted that solar pv will play a big role in the growth of world microgrids. These are the small energy grids for isolated communities which can power anything from villages […]

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Will your solar power system protect you from power cuts?

photo credit: Glen Bowman I get asked this question a lot. Unfortunately the short answer is: No – A standard grid connect solar system will not protect you from blackouts. Kind of counter intuitive isn’t it? You go to the trouble and expense of your own little solar power station, and then you have no […]

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Solar Power Forecast for 2012: More stability, better forecasts, fewer conspiracies?

solar to grow in 2012?

This year should be the year that renewables start to take off in Australia: We will have a carbon tax in place that will support renewable energy and overseas money is starting to flow in. Large scale solar is finding funding, following the trend from overseas. Chinese production of solar panels is bringing the cost […]

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13 Solar Questions You Must Ask To Weed Out The Shonks

13 questions to ask about solar power

One of the questions that lands in my inbox almost every day is this: “Hey Finn – I’ve been made a fantastic offer on a shiny new solar power system for my home. It is heaps cheaper than every one else on the market. Is it too good to be true or a genuine bargain???” […]

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The Problems With Thin Film Solar Panels

Thin Film Solar Panels in a solar farm

If you are looking to buy a solar power system and have done any kind of research on the web, then you have probably  come across lots of people  arguing over the pros and cons of Thin Film Solar Panels compared to the more common monocrystalline or polycrystalline solar panels. In a nutshell, there are […]

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Trust Solar Paints? Sure Can

Solar paint. Credit: University of Notre Dame

By Rich Bowden Honouring our commitment to keep readers informed of the pointy end of current solar research, this week’s column brings you the latest breakthrough on… paint. Yes that’s right. Solar paint.

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Tiny Tokelau Takes on the World With Solar PV Plunge

Nukunonu_Lagoon, Tokelau

By Rich Bowden One of the least reported, though possibly one of the most important, announcements to come out of the recent climate change gabfest in Durban earlier this month was the one from tiny Tokelau, with a population 1,500 (and three cars as reported by the Guardian). The Pacific state said it is planning […]

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Don’t Make these 10 Mistakes When Buying a Solar Power System

1. Buying the cheapest – because it is the cheapest. If a solar system seems too cheap to be true, then it is probably is! Here are 4 ways they get the price so low: a) The solar company is buying absolute junk panels and inverters on the spot market in China

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ACT Charges out of the Solar Sheds With Large-scale FIT

Interesting announcement this week that the ACT Government has passed legislation that clears the way for the introduction of the country’s first large-scale feed-in tariff (FIT). The solar bonus schemes have received a great deal of negative coverage in the last year or so as various state governments have backed away from their versions faster […]

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