One of the questions that lands in my inbox almost every day is this: “Hey Finn – I’ve been made a fantastic offer on a shiny new solar power system for my home. It is heaps cheaper than every one else on the market. Is it too good to be true or a genuine bargain???” […]
[Continue reading…]Solar Quotes Blog
The Problems With Thin Film Solar Panels
If you are looking to buy a solar power system and have done any kind of research on the web, then you have probably come across lots of people arguing over the pros and cons of Thin Film Solar Panels compared to the more common monocrystalline or polycrystalline solar panels. In a nutshell, there are […]
[Continue reading…]Trust Solar Paints? Sure Can
By Rich Bowden Honouring our commitment to keep readers informed of the pointy end of current solar research, this week’s column brings you the latest breakthrough on… paint. Yes that’s right. Solar paint.
[Continue reading…]Tiny Tokelau Takes on the World With Solar PV Plunge
By Rich Bowden One of the least reported, though possibly one of the most important, announcements to come out of the recent climate change gabfest in Durban earlier this month was the one from tiny Tokelau, with a population 1,500 (and three cars as reported by the Guardian). The Pacific state said it is planning […]
[Continue reading…]Don’t Make these 10 Mistakes When Buying a Solar Power System
1. Buying the cheapest – because it is the cheapest. If a solar system seems too cheap to be true, then it is probably is! Here are 4 ways they get the price so low: a) The solar company is buying absolute junk panels and inverters on the spot market in China
[Continue reading…]ACT Charges out of the Solar Sheds With Large-scale FIT
Interesting announcement this week that the ACT Government has passed legislation that clears the way for the introduction of the country’s first large-scale feed-in tariff (FIT). The solar bonus schemes have received a great deal of negative coverage in the last year or so as various state governments have backed away from their versions faster […]
[Continue reading…]AuSES-sponsored Conference Spins the Big Solar Wheel
Two of the key issues covered this week at the Solar 2011 conference have been (1) the growing affordability of solar systems for both domestic and commercial outlooks as prices plummet, and (2) the growth of international large-scale solar projects. The first has been made possible by the growth of the Chinese solar energy sector […]
[Continue reading…]South Australia’s Solar Customers Step Up to the Plate
Well, South Australian solar customers can hold their heads high. A report released earlier this week by the Essential Services Commission of South Australia (ESCOSA) has found that around 80,000 electricity customers in the state will have installed rooftop solar systems by December of this year.
[Continue reading…]Silex Solar Closes its Doors and Blames Usual Suspects
Somewhere in between the strenuous media frenzies that accorded the visit of The Windsors and later the Obamas, the Australian media managed to find time to report on the final demise of the (previously) only manufacturer of solar cells in this country. The Homebush, NSW-based SilexSolar company — previously associated with BP — finally closed […]
[Continue reading…]Solar Makes Sense Says AuSES Boss as Fallout over NSW Bonus Scheme Continues
“More than ever solar makes sense.” These were the words uttered by Australian Solar Energy Society (AuSES) boss John Grimes to reporters this week, reacting to the storm created by the NSW Auditor General’s report on the state’s disastrous solar bonus scheme. And his words were like an oasis in the desert of recriminations for […]
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