Solar Power is a very new and very fast growing industry. That makes it an exciting thing to be part of, and attracts a lot of interesting, enthusiastic and hard working people, most of whom believe passionately in what they are selling. Unfortunately it also attracts people and companies that appear to have no other […]
[Continue reading…]Solar Quotes Blog
Interview with Paul O’Reilly of the Rainbow Power Company
In this, the first in what we hope will be a number of interviews with solar opinion leaders, business people and experts in the solar industry we chat with Paul O’Reilly, director of the Nimbin-based Rainbow Power Company. Sit back and enjoy as Paul talks feed-in tariffs, the almost constant boom and bust cycles in the […]
[Continue reading…]How Does Temperature Affect Your Solar Inverter Power?
If you’ve been reading this blog for any length of time you are probably already aware of how high ambient temperatures negatively affect solar panel performance. But did you know that when it gets hot outside, those scorching Aussie temperatures can also cause the efficiency of your solar inverter to drop?
[Continue reading…]Germany takes knife to solar subsidies
From manufacturing quality cars to leading the continent in economic policy, Germany is often considered Europe’s “go to” country. The “engine room” of European manufacturing also is well out in front of its neighbours in renewable energy policy, with its clear and consistent support for solar installation legendary.
[Continue reading…]Learn About The Adelaide Solar Cities Project
If you live in Adelaide and want to learn what the pollies are spending your taxes on then come along to the Australian Solar Energy Society, South Australia Branch’s public meeting tomorrow 29th Feb in Goodwood and say hello! SOLAR CITIES – PUBLIC MEETING Speaker: Dario De Bortoli, Adelaide Solar City Program Manager When: Wednesday […]
[Continue reading…]Solar Panel Size: Is Bigger Better?
The Size of Solar panels is definitely increasing, there’s no denying it. A couple of years ago the average solar panel was 165W. Today the average is about 240W. The biggest one approved for installation in Australia at the time of writing is the whopping Topsun TS-S410. This giant amongst solar panels has these super sized stats:
[Continue reading…]8 Reasons To Get A Site Inspection Before Buying Solar Power
If you are considering putting some solar panels on your roof, then I strongly recommend that you have a physical site inspection before getting firm quotes. Since I started SolarQuotes many years ago, we’ve handled hundreds of thousands of quote requests and over those years the most frequent complaint I’ve had from people looking for quotes […]
[Continue reading…]Rubbishing the idea that solar power is not commercially viable
Australian waste management group Veolia Environment Services are very proud of themselves this week as they prepare to celebrate the installing of their brand-new, state-of-the-art solar powered energy source at its Arndell Park facility in NSW. On Feb.23, the company will be hosting a knees-up to mark the recent installation of the 50 kW solar […]
[Continue reading…]The STC Price: Is Your Solar Installer Ripping You Off?
Short Answer: Probably Not. Longer Answer: Ah, the joys of STC prices! Every so often I get an email from someone who is desperately worried that their solar installer is using the STC price to rip them off. The suspicion is usually kicked off by one of two things:
[Continue reading…]The way forward for feed-in tariffs?
Not sure how many SolarQuotes readers caught this fascinating Radio National discussion during the week. Amongst a number of issues raised, it gave a number of insights into the problems facing how Australian governments deal with solar power incentives. Hosted by Waleed Aly with guests Matthew Wright, executive director of the renewable energy action group […]
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