Solar Quotes Blog

Battery Degradation Part II: How To Measure It

All batteries degrade over time. The battery warranty specifies the maximum degradation you can expect – typically over ten years. But how do you know how much your battery has actually degraded?

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What’s Better? Heat Pump Or Conventional Hot Water + Solar?

Heat pump vs electric element storage HWS

Evaluating the Cost-effectiveness of Heat Pumps vs. Solar and Resistive HWS

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Tesla Megapacks Included in NSW’s Latest Giant Battery Approvals

close up of a Tesla Megapack

Two more grid-scale battery projects have been approved in NSW renewable energy zones.

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BYD Battery-Box LV, HV & Pro Discontinued. Expand Your System Now Or Never.

BYD Battery Box LV, HV & Pro

The Clock Is Ticking for BYD’s Legacy Battery Box Products

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Is The Budget Sungrow Battery Any Good? I Installed One To Find Out…

Recently, I decided to retrofit a 12.8 kWh Sungrow battery and hybrid inverter to a 6.6kW solar system on a rental unit I own. The video above is a deep dive from start to finish, but if you don’t feel like watching, here’s a summary.

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Tesla Operated “Big Bessie” Battery Rocks Rockhampton

bessie the battery

Rockhampton residents will soon reap the benefits of grid-scale renewable storage soaking up excess solar production, with Powerlink flicking the switch on a 50MW/100MWh battery in Bouldercombe.

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Flexible Exports Rules: A Bright Future With A Shade Of E-Waste

The recently enacted Flexible Exports rules for new solar power systems in South Australia set a global example for grids with lots of rooftop solar. However, there’s an unexpected fallout for rooftop solar owners. And although this is currently only a problem in SA, the rest of Australia needs to learn from our mistakes to […]

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Solar Analytics Integrated Review: Better Than Sungrow Monitoring?

Solar Analytics vs Sungrow iSolarCloud Apps

If you have decided to invest in a hardware consumption monitor to measure your solar energy flows, there are three prominent options on the market:

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AEMO: NEM Not Yet Ready for 100% Renewables

queensland pylons

The AEMO is taking the next steps to ensure Australia’s National Energy Market (NEM) can survive the shift to solar power and wind.

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Battery Degradation: How Do You Work Out If Your Battery Is Up To Snuff?

In this first of a two-part series, we’re going to shed light on some of the lurks you need to know about owning a battery hybrid solar power system. Specifically understanding, measuring and managing the degradation.

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