As solar policy gets pushed around from pillar to post in Canberra and the state capitals, it’s good to know the real decision makers — the Australian people — support the concept in a big way. This week saw the release of a CSIRO study — funded by the Australian Solar Institute for the Australian […]
[Continue reading…]Solar Quotes Blog
Does Mildura CPV solar farm offer a glimpse of the future?
Always great to bring our readers news of an Aussie breakthrough. However this week’s opening of Silex Systems’ massive CPV solar farm in Mildura, Victoria may prove to be more than just a cheery news item. Indeed it may offer a look at solar power’s future in the country. CPV is of course Concentrating […]
[Continue reading…]Is solar advocacy about to enter a brand new phase?
This week we take a detour from our usual rants to look at an interesting emerging overseas trend. The changing face of solar advocacy. Australia tends to follow most trends that start in the United States — some would say slavishly — so this recent article in the superb Grist magazine made me think […]
[Continue reading…]Australia’s capital leads country in commercial solar
The feverish activity in Canberra continues. Kevin Rudd (aka The Milky Bar Kid) is PM this week apparently. But we thought we’d pop down the road to the seat of the far more interesting ACT territory government for this week’s solar news. For it is here that Australian commercial solar history is being made. (See […]
[Continue reading…]Think solar is expensive? Be glad you’re not American!
Our American friends may get dirt cheap Nike runners, Levis jeans and iTunes downloads compared to us Aussies, but at least we can get some comfort from the fact that our solar systems are a helluva lot cheaper than theirs! This infographic from those nice people at US site does a great job of spruiking the […]
[Continue reading…]South Australia Feed In Tariff Ends In September. What you need to know.
If you’ve opened any South Australian newspapers recently you’ve probably seen adverts from solar power installers screaming about the “IMMINENT REDUCTION IN THE SOUTH AUSTRALIA FEED IN TARIFF!!!”. Regular readers of this blog will know that I’m not one to bombard you with pushy sales spiel, or use impending rebate cuts to pressure anyone into […]
[Continue reading…]What does the Rudd return mean for solar power?
The big news in Australian politics during the week was of course the return of the Queensland kid, aka The Ruddster, The Nerdy One etc. The Machiavellian machinations of the Australian Labor Party which allowed the regurgitation of Kevin Rudd has done wonders to kick start a moribund election campaign, but what effect will this […]
[Continue reading…]Can Solar Trade Wars Save The West’s Solar Manufacturing Industry?
While the ongoing dispute (AKA solar trade war) between Europe and China continues apace, an article caught your correspondent’s eye this week (and was posted in our popular Facebook Page if you’d like to comment). Perhaps the most interesting part of the article is what it hints at: the inevitable change in focus of […]
[Continue reading…]Is community solar a way forward for the Australian solar industry?
While our recent articles on big Aussie banks and respected mining services companies picking up the solar baton have been a huge encouragement for solar fans, news has been not as good lately in what passes for government (and alternative government) policy. Should we therefore be thinking of the burgeoning grass roots community solar movement as another way forward […]
[Continue reading…]Is Commercial Solar Worth It? Ask This Mining Company…
Hot on the heels of our posts last week about the amazing returns commercial solar can bestow upon savvy businesses and Aussie bankers putting their hands in their pockets to support solar energy projects came the news that WA mining equipment company Diab Engineering has backed solar energy by installing a rooftop solar system […]
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